“So why,” asked fans in the wake of HEROES ho-hum finale, “did Nathan swoop in to grab his brother and fly his about-to-detonate butt into the sky when Peter could have flown away himself?” Well, thanks to TV Guide’s current issue, we now know the answer… but we doubt it’ll go far toward alleviating fan gripes about the finale. “You’re not supposed to be thinking about that,” says creator Tim Kring, apparently completely ignoring both human nature in general and the fact that he build a show with a layered mythology which practically insisted viewers scrutinize details. “Peter was supposed to be incapacitated with this surge of power,” he goes on to say, offering up a more reasonable explanation… only to completely blow it a second later by adding, “But the real explanation is that we wanted Nathan to show up and do it.” Frankly, if storylines are going to be subject to the creator’s whims as opposed to logic, they might want to consider renaming the series LAMEOES.
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