In an effort to make your life a little easier, has compiled the Definitive Guide to Fall’s Season Premieres — complete with premiere dates, networks, times and the obligatory ‘witty’ commentary. Simply click the link below to check it out. Or just remember this — The TV Addict’s Fall 2007 Must Watch New Shows include PUSHING DAISIES, CHUCK, GOSSIP GIRL, REAPER, BIONIC WOMAN, ALIENS IN AMERICA and DEXTER [because it’s just that good!]
Date | Network | Show | Time | theTVaddict says: |
Mon. Sept. 17 | NBC | DEAL OR NO DEAL | 8-9PM | To those who say Celine Dion is Canada’s most annoying export, this TV Addict says, "Have you met Howie Mandell?" |
FOX and GLOBAL TV in Canada | PRISON BREAK | 8-9PM | Just when you thought PRISON BREAK couldn’t get anymore ludicrous… get ready for season three. | |
FOX | K-VILLE | 9-10PM | Most definitely not brought to you by the good folks at the New Orleans Bureau of Tourism | |
Tues. Sept. 18 | CW | BEAUTY & THE GEEK | 8-9PM | We miss Stars Hollow already. |
Wed. Sept. 19 | FOX and GLOBAL TV in Canada | BACK TO YOU | 8-8:30PM | Kelsey Grammer returns to that place where everybody knows his name — and by that place we mean ‘TV’. Bet you thought we were going to say CHEERS didn’t you? Didn’t you! |
FOX and GLOBAL TV in Canada | ‘TIL DEATH | 8:30 – 9PM | ‘TIL DEATH — also known as — how we feel when we watch this show. | |
FOX | KITCHEN NIGHTMARES | 9PM-10PM | We’d say something negative about yet another FOX reality TV offering, but frankly we’re scared of Chef Gordon Ramsay | |
CW | AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL | 8-9PM | Let’s hope the contestants are smarter than Miss South Carolina. | |
CW | GOSSIP GIRL | 9-10PM | OMG! We like totally can’t wait to live vicariously through twenty-six year olds playing high school students. No seriously, our inner thirteen year old girl is going suffering through withdrawl since the cancellation of THE OC. | |
CBS | KID NATION | 8-10PM | Perhaps you’ve heard about it! Investigations! Angry Parents! The end of reality TV! We can’t wait! | |
Thur. Sept. 20 | CBS | SURVIVOR and Global TV in Canada | 8-10PM | SURVIVOR CHINA! For your first challenge, guess which of these children’s toys contain lead paint. |
Sun. Sept. 23 | CBS | 60 MINUTES | 7-8PM | Still too young to tune in. |
CBS | VIVA LAUGHLIN | 8-9PM | A musical drama comedy hybrid set in Las Vegas. Place your bets… how many episodes until it’s cancelled? | |
CBS | COLD CASE | 9-10PM | Five seasons in, never seen an episode. | |
CBS and GLOBAL TV in Canada | SHARK | 10-11PM | Star Trek Nerd Alert: We love Jeri Ryan. | |
FOX and GLOBAL TV in Canada | THE SIMPSONS | 8-8:30PM | Just for fun, how about a costume change this season. Blue pants and shorts are so 1990. | |
FOX and GLOBAL TV in Canada | KING OF THE HILL | 8:30-9PM | Why isn’t this show cancelled? Oh wait, it already was! So why is it back on the air? | |
FOX and GLOBAL TV in Canada | FAMILY GUY | 9-10PM | Another FOX gem brought back from the dead! Can someone please hire theTVaddict to run FOX. | |
CW | CW NOW | 8-8:30PM | CW NOT. | |
CW | ONLINE NATION | 8:30-9PM | It’s called YouTube. | |
CW | LIFE IS WILD | 8-9PM | We’re WILD about this show (get it!) No really, it stars Stephanie Niznik (Nina from EVERWOOD) — thus a MUST WATCH. | |
Mon. Sept. 24 | CBS | HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER | 8-8:30PM | Our favorite CBS program is back. And we have a feeling, this season’s going to be LEGEN… (wait for it)… DARY! |
CBS | THE BIG BANG THEORY | 8:30-9PM | Now I know what you’re thinking. From the ‘guys who brought you TWO AND A HALF MEN’ doesn’t exactly scream ‘funny.’ But give the show at least one chance. Kaley Cuoco rocks. | |
CBS | TWO AND A HALF MEN | 9-9:30PM | Any chance the CSI scribes will ‘off’ these MEN when they write an episode this season? | |
CBS | RULES OF ENGAGEMENT | 9:30-10PM | Rule #1… to quote Homer Simpson, “be more funny.” | |
CBS | CSI: MIAMI | 10-11PM | And just like that, CBS’s night of funny comes to a screeching halt. | |
NBC | CHUCK | 8-9PM | Meet Chuck, or, as I like to think of him — the TV Addict if he had his own show. | |
NBC and GLOBAL TV in Canada | HEROES | 9-10PM | Perhaps you’ve heard about it. This little known show, NBC rarely talks about it. Oh who are we kidding. Kristen Bell, David Anders… we’re counting down the days. | |
NBC and Global TV in Canada | JOURNEYMAN | 10-11PM | Flawless pilot with one big problem — you need to be a PhD to keep track of the story — or at the very least be smarter than a fifth grader. | |
Tues. Sept. 25 | ABC | DANCING WITH THE STARS | 8-9PM | Three words: Go Jennie Go! |
ABC | THE BACHELOR | 9-10PM | THE BACHELOR could learn a little something from DANCING WITH THE STARS. If you want the TV Addict to get excited, cast a 90210 Alum. Free advice for next season: Meet Ian Ziering the bachelor? | |
ABC | BOSTON LEGAL | 10PM | Wanna bet William Shatner does something wacky? | |
CBS | NCIS | 8-9PM | Another CBS show we’ve never seen. | |
THE UNIT | 9-10PM | See above! | ||
CBS and GLOBAL TV in Canada | CANE | 10-11PM | Yes, we’re slightly bitter Jimmy Smitts isn’t starring in THE WEST WING: TNG — that said, CANE’s pilot was pretty damn sweet. (Pun indented. You’ll get it when you see the pilot) | |
NBC | LAW & ORDER SVU | 10-11PM | This season’s special victim — the cast of LAW & ORDER CRIMINAL INTENT. Demoted to the USA Network, ouch! | |
CW | REAPER | 9-10PM | Produced and Directed by Kevin Smith. ‘Nuff said. | |
Wed. Sept. 26 | FOX and GLOBAL TV in Canada | BONES | 8-9PM | Tip of the Week: Want to ensure your bones are never broken? Don’t ask star David Boreanaz about ANGEL. |
FOX and GLOBAL TV in Canada | HOUSE | 9-10PM | Does anyone else find it odd that AMERICA’S favorite doctor is British! | |
ABC | PRIVATE PRACTICE | 9-10PM | How’s this for brilliant ABC sweeps stunt — four words: Isaiah Washington Guest Spot! | |
ABC | DIRTY SEXY MONEY | 10-11PM | Three words: We Can’t Wait! | |
CBS | CRIMINAL MINDS | 8-9PM | So excited for Mandy Patinkin’s return to TV!… What’s that… what HAPPENED? oh uh… | |
CBS | CSI: NY | 9-10PM | How long until LOST returns? | |
NBC | BIONIC WOMAN | 9-10PM | Michelle Ryan vs. Katee Sackhoff… cue nerd orgasm. | |
NBC and GLOBAL TV in Canada | LIFE | 10-11PM | Good show, bad title. | |
Thur. Sept. 27 | ABC | UGLY BETTY | 8-9PM | The return of UGLY BETTY means the return of the Marc & Amanda podcast. Could we love Becki Newton and Michael Urie any more? |
ABC | GREY’S ANATOMY | 9-10PM | Down with Gizzie! Who’s with us? | |
ABC | BIG SHOTS | 10-11PM | Or as they’re calling it within the confines of ABC headquarters — BIG Re-Writes! | |
CBS | CSI | 9-10PM | I’ve officially run out of witty filler for all the generic CBS procedurals that I simply don’t watch. | |
CBS | WITHOUT A TRACE | 10-11PM | See above. | |
NBC | MY NAME IS EARL | 8-8:30PM | I know I’m supposed to like this show, I just don’t. | |
NBC | THE OFFICE | 9-10PM | Pam’s 30% more fun! We’re 30% more excited for the new season | |
NBC | ER | 10-11PM | Let us know if you think should jump back on the bandwagon for ER’s final season. | |
CW | SMALLVILLE | 8-9PM | The addition of SuperGirl proves yet again that SMALLVILLE’S officially run out of ideas. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. | |
Fri. Sept. 28 | CBS | GHOST WHISPERER | 8-9PM | Honestly, who watches this show? |
CBS | MOONLIGHT | 9-10PM | Ever wonder what Logan Echolls would have been like as a Vampire. Wonder no more. | |
CBS and GLOBAL TV in Canada | NUMB3RS | 10-11PM | Bringing | |
NBC and GLOBAL TV in Canada | LAS VEGAS | 10PM | Not to be confused with VIVA LAUGHLIN. Really. There’s no singing in this LAS VEGAS, we promise. | |
Sun. Sept. 30 | ABC | EXTREME MAKEOVER: HOME EDITION | 8-9PM | Who do I have to pay to get Ty and the gang over to my place? |
ABC | DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES | 9-10PM | Raise you hand if you think Edie’s really dead! Oh, you’re the one! | |
ABC | BROTHERS & SISTERS | 10-11PM | Sponsored by the America’s Vineyards | |
SHOWTIME/td> | DEXTER | 9-10PM | We have a feeling Sgt. Doakes is in for a world of hurt. Nobody messes with our boy Dexter. | |
SHOWTIME/td> | BROTHERHOOD | 10-11PM | Still going through SOPRANOS withdrawl? Showtime has the cure. Introducing BROTHERHOOD — it’s THE SOPRANOS with an Irish twist. | |
Mon. Oct. 1 | CW | EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS | 8-8:30PM | Especially this woman. |
CW | ALIENS IN AMERICA | 8:30-9PM | A genuinely funny show on the CW network? Perhaps we have been taken over by aliens. | |
CW | GIRLFRIENDS | 9-9:30PM | While we’re sure something exciting happens, we just don’t care. | |
CW | THE GAME | 9:30-10PM | The Game: Find someone who watches this show. | |
Tues. Oct. 2 | ABC | CAVEMAN | 8-8:30PM | No really, ABC is actually going through with this. |
CARPOOLERS | 8:30-9PM | As much as we’d like to say something positive about this show, we can’t. Why? Because ABC remains the only network that doesn’t send screeners (and yes, we’re bitter!) | ||
Wed. Oct. 3 | ABC | PUSHING DAISIES | 10-11PM | Set your PVR to Season’s Pass. PUSHING DAISIES is the MUST WATCH show of the season. |
Thur. Oct. 4 | NBC | 30 ROCK | 8-8:30PM | Jerry Seinfeld returns to TV in the 30 ROCK season premiere. Which means you officially have no excuse not to tune into last season’s funniest new show. |
CW | SUPERNATURAL | 9-10PM | Question for SUPERNATURAL fans. Would you love the show as much if the stars looked like this? | |
Fri. Oct. 5 | NBC | FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS | 9-10PM | The confusion is finally over. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS airs on Friday. Tune in. |
Fri. Oct. 12 | ABC | WOMEN’S MURDER CLUB | 9-10PM | Or as ABC should be calling it — really ANGRY housewives. |
ABC | MEN IN TREES | 10-11PM | Turns out MEN IN TREES wasn’t cancelled last year. Here’s hoping ABC treats it a little better this season. | |
Mon. Oct. 15 | ABC | SAMANTHA WHO? | 9:30-10PM | Christina Applegate gets ready to discover if the curse of JESSE’s worn off? |
Thur. Oct. 25 | NBC | SCRUBS | 9:30-10PM | Eighteen episodes and counting. Enjoy them while they last. No really, that wasn’t meant to be sarcastic. Really do enjoy them, because once they’re gone — all we’ll be left with is reruns. |