We’ve traveled across time in OUTLANDER, but the fourth season begins in 2000 B.C. North America, where a group of primitive humans are building a group of stones that appear awfully familiar — in fact, they’re the type of stones that Claire first traveled through. As Claire narrates how much fascination humans have always had with circles, we are soon brought to 1767 North Carolina, where another circle takes center stage: a noose. This is where Jamie and Claire are now settled and Jamie is trying to save the life of one of his kinsmen. But the man is prepared to accept his death for his own stupid actions and Jamie is determined to honour his friend’s last requests. As Claire soon tells us, it’s been four months since they arrived in America and Jamie had done everything he could to save his friend, but the magistrate would not grant the man a reprieve. Soon after, the other prisoners use a distraction to try and escape and one succeeds.
Later, Jamie, Claire and their friends discuss where to bury their deceased kinsman and Claire explains that they want to try and return home to Scotland by selling a gemstone they salvaged. As they dig the grave, Ian starts to recall his experiences with Geillis the Bakra and Jamie prompts the boy to share his memories so he can try to get over them. It’s clear that young Ian is having difficulty trying to process his rape, but his uncle is supportive, telling him she did what he did to survive. As the men finish the grave, they find the escaped prisoner (Stephen Bonnet) had hidden in their wagon. Jamie agrees to help the man complete his escape and he and Claire conceal Bonnet from the soldiers as they travel on. Later, Claire bonds with Bonnet as she tends to his wounds and he warns the pair to be wary of others in the woods as he heads off.
Jamie and Claire are soon amorous in the woods, having decided to camp out for the night. Claire is worried that something could snatch their happiness away, but Jamie insists they can weather whatever the future throws at them. The next morning, Claire tells Jamie about the geography that surrounds them, along with the future of America. She also tells him the unfortunate story of what happens to the Native Americans — a story that mimics what the English did to the Highlanders.
Back in town, Jamie and Claire dress for dinner with the hopes of finding a buyer for the ruby (see clip above). The couple are surrounded by the local aristocracy at the dinner and the stone does catch a Baron’s eye. After dinner, the governor asks Jamie to join him for a discussion. He says that he’s encouraging settlement in North Carolina by industrious families and that he is willing to grant a large piece of land to Jamie if he encourages other immigrants to settle there. Jamie leaves without giving the man an answer. Later, as Claire and Jamie count the 100 pounds they fetched for the ruby, Jamie talks about them returning to Scotland. He tells his wife he’s no longer a wanted man so it’s safe for them to return home, but Claire still seems hesitant. Instead, she’s thinking about the offer the governor made to Jamie, but Jamie wonders why the man chose him and he’s wary. Claire reminds him that the American Revolution will come in only 8 years and the governor will expect Jamie to fight for the Crown in the upcoming war. Jamie doesn’t want to fight in another war, but he wants to make this land a good one for his future daughter.
At a pub the next morning, Jamie tells the rest of his kin that he and Claire will remain in America. He insists that young Ian return home, even though Ian wants to stay. Fergus announces that his young wife is now pregnant, which means they too wish to remain there in Wilmington instead of returning to Scotland. Soon after, Jamie, Claire, Lesley and Ian head to River Run to see Jamie’s maternal aunt, Jocasta. During the journey, Jamie gifts Claire with an apothecary case to use in her healings. But as the group sleeps on the boat, Bonnet reunites with the group, along with some friends, and robs them, killing Lesley, who tries to help Claire. Claire tries to keep the two wedding rings that Bonnet tries to steal from her by swallowing them, but he makes away with Jamie’s ring to her (leaving her with the ring Frank gave to her). Jamie rushes back inside the boat’s hull as Bonnet and his men leave to find a traumatized Claire.
A new episode of OUTLANDER airs on November 11 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on Starz (U.S.) and 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on W Network (Canada).