Nothing brings out a comedies ‘A’ game, like a very special holiday episode [see: FRIENDS] and thankfully, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER’s Thanksgiving, err… Slapsgiving installment did not disappoint.
Barney finally got slapped and unlike most of television lately, it actually lived up to the hype. When slap bet commissioner Lilly momentarily lifted her Thanksgiving Slapbet moratorium just in time for Marshall to get one glorious Slap off — I cheered.
When Marshall ended off the momentous occasion with a song titled, “You Just Got Slapped,” complete with some fine moaning [in harmony] courtesy of Broadway veteran Neal Patrick Harris — I sighed [and like Bob, used my iPhone to illuminate the darkened room!]
And when I realized that thanks to this writer’s strike we may not see slap 4 and 5 until 2009 — I cried. But quickly cheered myself up again by re-watching the episode.
Happy Slapsgiving one and all.