Its not often that we at ask a favor of our loyal readers. In fact, short of pleading with you to help SAVE EVERWOOD, we’re pretty sure that throughout our year and a half history, we’ve never asked you for anything. Today all that changes.
Tonight at 10PM, ABC will start to burn off the final episodes of its short-lived series THE NINE. No doubt many of you, like our friend Jennifer (of TubeTalk fame) are excited about the show’s long-awaited return. Unfortunately, we’ve got some bad news for you. As a result of the show’s swift cancellation, there will be no closure and no happy ending for fans of THE NINE. The mystery of THE NINE will remain just that — a mystery. With no chance of discovering what really happened during the show’s fifty-two hour stand-off.
With that in mind, we would like to take this opportunity to ask you to not watch the show tonight. It’s time we sent a message to the networks that they can’t simply yank away our favorite shows and expect us to tune back in whenever they feel like airing them. At the very least, ABC should have followed NBC’s footsteps and given THE NINE enough notice to wrap up its story properly (see: KIDNAPPED on DVD). It’s what the fans deserved.
Acting today will help ensure that fantastic new shows like PUSHING DAISIES don’t fall victim to ABC’s far-to-quick cancellation finger. After-all, star DAISIES Lee Pace only has the power to bring ‘people’ back from the dead — not quirky romantic dramedies.