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The Most Popular Witches on TV

If you asked anyone to name a couple of witches they have seen on TV, they’ll be able to do so with relative ease. This is because over the years witches and TV have gone pretty much hand in hand, with witches being mysterious and capable of doing magic. This has seen witches become popular in other areas too such as games, with mFortune’s Which Witch being a prime example. Today we’re looking at popular witches to appear on TV, so keep reading for our list below.

We start with a TV show and a triple whammy of witches in Charmed. Three sisters, who all live in San Francisco, all possess magical powers unique to them. Prue has telekinetic powers and builds on this to become the strongest and most powerful of the trio. Piper can freeze her surroundings and make things explode, while Phoebe has the power of premonition and levitation. They’re three witches with style, who were extremely popular with viewers.

Samantha – Bewitched
Taking things back a good few years, Samantha was the lead character in arguably the most iconic witch related TV show on all time. Samantha, who possessed great powers, yearned to integrate into normal every day life. She married a normal man and used her abilities to attempt to solve situations that arose, often causing further trouble. Samantha portrayed the good side to witches, and this helped her become one of the most loved witches to ever appear on TV.

Sabrina – Sabrina The Teenage Witch
You could say that Sabrina is a character who was created with a bit of inspiration taken from Samantha and Bewitched. Again, Sabrina offered viewers a more light-hearted and fun version of a witch, rather than focusing on the evil side that is often portrayed in other TV shows and movies. At 16, Sabrina’s powers kick in, and she goes on to use her spells in her everyday life, although things don’t always go as planned. She’s a witch that most people will remember, especially those around during the airing of the hit TV show.

Willow – Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Willow wasn’t the lead character in Buffy the Vampire slayer, but she was always integral to Buffy’s success at defeating foes. Willow studied witchcraft and by the end of the second series of the show, she proved herself more than capable of assisting Buffy when it came to defeating enemies using the supernatural powers she had learned. While Buffy was always centre stage, Willow was always there to save the day in many respects, with her spells proving crucial at times.

Melisandre – Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones is by far and away one of the greatest TV shows of all time, and every viewer will be able to recall Melisandre, a woman with serious magical powers. While the show features a lot of supernatural and fantasy action, Melisandre is more witch like, as seen when she removed a necklace that saw her transform into an old woman in season 6. She’s a witch that people are still yet to understand in full, and one of the most intriguing to appear on TV.

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