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SUITS Recap: We’re A Community

SUITS’ “Sour Grapes” saw members of opposing factions in the Next Name Partner Battle of 2018 team up on two separate cases. For Harvey Specter and Samantha Wheeler, the task at hand involved standing up for the firm’s slimy landlord and newest client, David Fox. Alex Williams assisted Robert Zane with a personal business matter; and that left Louis Litt’s drama of the week to be purely personal.

We found Robert Zane. Insert Firm Name Here’s current managing partner has been absent from recent SUITS episodes, but he finally made a reappearance in “Sour Grapes.” For Robert, the episode title was about as literal as it could get: Because he received his barrels too late, the product at his winery had gone sour — and his business was tanking.

So, when the boss called Donna to say that he needed Alex Williams’ help, proving he’d taken the COO’s commentary about “fostering harmony” to heart, “Red” purchased Alex everything he would need and sent him on his way.

Zane was convinced that he wasn’t treated fairly because of his race, especially because of the all-too-familiar looks he’d received at the bank and elsewhere in the community. In a heated meeting, Mr. Newton, who had sold Zane the barrels, actually admitted to some sabotage — but because Robert was a rich outsider, not because of the color of his skin. After a falling-out with Alex and some good advice from Donna, Robert wound up taking the man at his word and working things out. He even decided to give something back by funding a community tasting room.

So, SUITS really did the whole, “it’s not racism” thing here. That’s unsettling, given that people of color don’t normally cry racism for no reason, but that’s none of my business. The storyline included a moment in which Robert stated that, if some outsider came into his own community, he’s not sure he would have acted any differently because where he grew up, the people were “tight and close, mistrusting of outsiders.”

That would all be fine and good if we weren’t ignoring the reasons for that mistrust. Between that and the supposed problem with Robert’s “Wall Street money,” the story gave shades of the “economic insecurity” argument that’s been debunked time and again in America…And that’s really not a good look.

Surprise! She’s not pregnant! Louis Litt might have actually gotten some work done in SUITS 8×07 if Sheila hadn’t called him on his “sex phone” to inform him that she was pregnant and ask him to promise to keep her pregnancy a secret. Instead, said phone call did happen; and Louis…didn’t do such a great job of keeping secrets. Gretchen was the first to know, thanks to Louis’ in-office happy dance, but the party didn’t last long.

When Louis took Sheila to a fancy dinner to celebrate [insert euphemism for becoming pregnant here], things took a predictably bad turn for SUITS’ least healthy relationship (and that’s including the non-relationship mess that a certain other pairing has trapped themselves in for 13 years, by the way). This week’s order from Sheila was that, not only would Lous not be able to raise his child Jewish, but he should also just, like, completely drop the conversation: “This is supposed to be a celebration. Can’t you just let it go?” Yeah, Louis. Let something that’s clearly a major part of your identity go. Because why have a discussion, when you can take Sheila’s orders and leave it at that?

This sent Louis in search of persons two and three to learn of his “secret” news: Esther (his sister) and everyone’s favorite therapist, Dr. Lipschitz. Esther was surprised to hear that Louis wouldn’t raise his child Jewish and had always just assumed that any future Litts would attend Camp Bracha, just like their daddy and aunt had. But when she heard that the decision was Sheila’s, not Louis’, Esther was a little bit less accepting — especially when Louis mentioned that the couple hadn’t even had a real conversation about it. The situation reminded Esther of her failed marriage, which fell apart from a lack of communication, not anything that her husband had done to her.

So, Louis finally stood up to Sheila — for once — only to have her shoot him down with passive aggressive nonsense about he and Esther dragging her for being a shiksa. Evidently, Sheila’s decision not to raise her kid one way or the other had to do with not wanting to further alienate her Catholic parents, who already had a problem with her for not being particularly into their religion. But when Louis tried to explain to her that his wishes weren’t about what was important to his parents but, rather, what was important to him, Sheila made it all about her.

“What about what’s important to me?” Literally your entire relationship, Sheila. Question answered.

Unlike with Harvey, Louis chose to solve his relationship problems with Sheila in a solo session with Dr. Lipschitz. Louis wanted his doctor to wave a magic wand and get Sheila to let him raise their child the way he wanted to; but it wasn’t that simple. The therapist explained his own family story to Louis, the all-too-familiar one of a family that could have had a better chance of surviving in nazi Germany if they’d denied their identity — but didn’t.

Lipschitz’s advice highlighted the hard truth about this relationship: “I’m saying if you can’t be on the same page about how to raise your children, maybe you should discuss not having them.” But when Louis told Dr. Lipschitz that it was too late, the advice was softened to, “it’s more important that you make a decision together than what that decision is.” And then, SUITS’ greatest hero congratulated Louis with a “mazel tov” and a hug.

Louis went home, hoping to (finally) have a real discussion with Sheila, but she’d already changed her mind because Esther had called to welcome her to the family. So, as nice as it was that Sheila was willing to compromise — exposing the baby to both traditions — and even surprised Louis with his mother’s kugel, I’m still calling this one a fail. This couple should have had real discussions before thinking they were pregnant, and the more Sheila continues to control every aspect of the relationship, the more it, quite frankly, needs to end.

Unfortunately, the end is not in sight. Louis tried proposing to Sheila again, but she wanted to be the one to pop the question this time. Yay. They’re engaged…Ummm, and they’re not actually pregnant, so now they get to have (one-sided, probably) conversations like (terrible) adults before any Litt heirs actually come into being. Woo!

Harvey, meet your new client: David Fox. Remember when Donna made a deal with the devil and promised him that Harvey would be his lawyer for a year, for free? Well, Harvey doesn’t because he was never told.

Insert the world’s worst “not-actually-married spouses screaming at one another” fight when Harvey was approached by David Fox with the news that not only was he in the dark about the deal, but it was also time to deliver.

When Harvey confronted Donna about not keeping him informed, she said she’d added Fox to his client roster — I guess Donna’s still holding Harvey’s hand like a secretary, even now that she’s COO? — something she knew Harvey never checked. After admitting that she just wanted to see the look on Harvey’s face when he realized he didn’t have a choice in representing Fox, Donna also told him to “suck it up, take one for the team, and get this thing done.”

…and the whole dynamic was of the head-scratching, “no, really, what is happening with these two???” variety. There are some bottled-up emotions out here, being expressed through work spats, that do not actually appear to be about work. It’s confusing and frustrating…and exhausting.

When Harvey grudgingly went to see his client, he learned that David Fox wanted to by a building from his rival, John Billups, who was refusing to so much as put the building up for sale. Harvey tried (and failed) to make the purchase with a series of lies, but Billups saw right through him. Billups knew that Harvey was lying for David Fox, and he stayed firm in refusing to sell.

While this was happening, Donna was approaching Samantha about being Harvey’s backup on the case. The COO’s philosophy was that, sooner or later, the (snooze-worthy) competition between Sam and Alex would finally come to a resolution; and “no matter who [becomes name partner] first, the other team isn’t going to be happy about it. But the more we’re bonded as a family before that happens, the more likely we’ll stay a family after it does.” During the conversation, Donna also admitted to her and Harvey’s mutual hatred for Fox, which Sam took into account when doing her (as always) solo research.

So, when the meeting between Fox and Billups went downhill, complete the reveal that his client had been paying one of Billups’ clients tens of thousands of dollars per month so Billups couldn’t kick him out, Harvey snapped. He told Samantha he didn’t “give a shit about Donna’s deal” and refused to represent a client who lied to his face, then went back to the firm to have yet another huge argument with Donna.

And it got ugly, fast. Harvey went so far as to say that he was the reason Donna was even in her position, to which she had to remind him — for the millionth time — that she’d earned it. With one last plea to Harvey to keep her reputation in tact, Donna turned to her new best buddy, Samantha — whom Harvey was already jealous of because she kept secrets from him but seemed to share everything with Donna — to ask her to please keep working the case.With much less of a fight than Harvey had put up, Sam agreed.

Darvey found dead in New York. Murder suspect: Damantha.

Harvey finally came to his senses and went back to see David Fox, giving him one last chance to come clean. As it turned out, Fox was actually doing something good with all of those payments — helping out the guy who could have ruined his life for some teenaged theft but instead taught him the value of hard work. Samantha and Harvey were able to put their respective knowledge together and come to an outcome that, while not great for Fox’s ruthless image, was exactly what he needed for his mentor.

With the case finished, Harvey went in search of Donna and Sam, who happened to be together and chatting about what a terrible gift-giver he was. The ladies joked about Harvey’s terrible apology-giving style and barely addressed him while he stood there, dumbfounded, as SUITS’ newest power relationship flourished.

Sorry, Harvey. You snooze, you lose.

…but whatever that weird reaction from Donna was after Harvey tried to joke back at her, leads me to question, for at least the billionth time, what exactly is happening in the SUITS universe. Will we ever know, or is the series just going to continue to drop hints and let viewers interpret things as they will?

News & Notes.

The next all-new episode of SUITS airs on Wednesday, September 5 at 9/8c on USA.

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