Stella wasn’t the only person experiencing life-changing relevations in the premiere of LIFE SENTENCE. Her brother Aiden also got a shock when he announced to his family that his girlfriend — his *married* girlfriend — was pregnant with what appears to be his child.
This is, of course, a big problem for a guy who doesn’t seem to want to grow up and become more resonsible. During a visit to the set of LIFE SENTENCE in the fall, Jayson Blair (Aiden) told us that the pregnancy “complicates things for Aidan in a big way. Just because it’s something that I’ve never had to think about, or even thought about, when having sex with somebody and not using protection, and not going about it, and timing, and so on and so forth, you just [think] – ‘oh, that happened? Okay.’ So he’s kind of picking up the pieces and taking a long look in the mirror, seeing how and why that happened, and moving forward from that — which is ridiculous, and very dramatic, and very stressful.”
Blair also hinted that we’ll “over [episodes] 2, 3, 4, 5, we have these beautiful flashbacks that gives you a really gorgeous insight as to why somebody is the way that they are….and it’s portrayed in this state and time when [Stella’s] actually sick, which is very heartbreaking and very real. The thing that I love about Aidan is, in the beginning of the episode, it’s almost borderline absurd, over the top comedy, and then by the end of this episode, in a lot of them, we have this really amazing turn that I get to take, which is so fun.”
Elsewhere in this week’s episode, Stella and Wes have to defend their marriage to the INS or Wes will be deported back to the UK and Peter and Ida put the house up for sale.
Don’t miss an all new episode of LIFE SENTENCE tonight (March 14) at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.