Dan changes the past for the worst on MAKING HISTORY. The new Fox comedy series created by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (the brains behind 21 JUMP STREET and THE LEGO MOVIE) centers around our unlikely hero, a facilities manager at a Massachusetts college. After discovering time travel, he keeps heading back to the 1700s to spend time with Deborah Revere (the daughter of Paul Revere). In the present Dan is a loser, but in the past he’s fun and cool and has a hot girlfriend.
Unfortunately, Dan’s presence in the 1700s is messing up history. Specifically, the existence of Deborah’s boyfriend causes her father, Paul, to delay his famous ride, which seems to have changed the outcome of the American Revolution.
Once Dan realizes he screwed up, he recruits Chris, a popular history professor at his work, to head back into the past and help him set the American Revolution back on track. The two men team up with Deborah to save America as we know it.
MAKING HISTORY premieres on Sunday, March 5 at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT on Fox.