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THE PEOPLE VS. OJ SIMPSON Preview: Jury Selection

The case begins in this week’s THE PEOPLE VS. OJ SIMPSON as Judge Lance Ito joins the show. But before they can begin the trial, the prosecution and defence must go through jury selection.

The defence team is growing now that Johnnie is on board. Their overall strategy is to stymie the prosecution at every turn (including objecting to the number of hairs that can be collected from OJ for testing) and to try and stack the jury in their favor. But Johnnie’s first order of business is OJ himself. After seeing him look defeated in a preliminary hearing, Johnnie visits OJ to remind him who he is and prepare him for the “run of his life”.

Meanwhile, Ito is thrilled that he was assigned to judge the case and he happily tells his LAPD captain wife the news. But already we get hints that something is going to go very wrong here when she signs a spousal conflict form that he hands her. Unbeknownst to him, she pauses when she sees Mark Fuhrman’s name on the list of police witnesses and, although she doesn’t tell her husband that Fuhrman could be a problem, history tells us that he’s a big one.

While the jury selection continues, cracks start to develop in the Dream Team. Robert is wary of Johnnie and his tactics and flat out tells Lee that this case is unwinnable and he wants to settle. Both men jockey for positioning in front of the press and the question of playing “the race card” is a big issue.

As the defence tries to figure out how to deal with their internal problems, Marcia is confronted by Ron Goldman’s family, who is horrified at how their son’s death is being ignored. And when it’s not ignored, he’s treated as a joke. This emotional talk makes her more convinced than ever that she needs to win the case. Unfortunately, focus groups prove that she’s not popular in front of potential jurors.

Finally, the jury selection is halted when Faye Resnick comes out with a book about Nicole — one that pastes her in a particularly bad light. Does it have the potential to influence potential jurors?

Don’t miss an all new episode of THE PEOPLE VS. OJ SIMPSON tonight at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on FX.

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