Best/Worst Storylines
LUCIANA MANGAS: The very best storyline for me is how ridiculously terrifying Zoom is and what his agenda actually is going to be. Everything about this storyline has been handled in a terrific way and I really hope we get to see more episodes like “Enter Zoom” down the line.
The worst storyline is actually a tie for me. Jay Garrick, for reasons previously stated; and the whole Kendra/Hawkgirl thing was just not handled well.
MELISSA SMITH: The best storyline is definitely Barry being the “glue” that held the team together in crossover episodes. His emotional strength was strong enough to penetrate even Oliver’s hard shell and to back down Malcolm Merlyn. Not bad for “the kid.”
Worst storyline: Jay Garrick’s lack of story. I was so excited to see Jay cross over, and I realize that he is a Flash that comic book readers know from a different age, but I screamed out loud when I saw the helmet foreshadowing his arrival because I was so excited. (Embarassing, but true.) There is so much that could be done with him. I hope they will exploit his non-speed talents to keep him on the canvas. Maybe he can take over the lab and morph Caitlin into Killer Frost.
SHANA LIEBERMAN: Short and sweet – The worst storyline goes back to everything I said about the crossover. Let’s just pretend it never happened. The best has been the season’s overarching mythos with the introduction of the Earth 2 characters. It’s a nice nod to the comics universe and presents endless possibilities.
MEREDITH ZYLBERBERG: The only storyline that I can really say I care about this season is the West family drama. I’m interested to see how Joe and Iris go about acclimating to this new person in their family; bringing him into their lives and getting to know him. I’m interested to see if this impacts Joe’s (and Iris’) relationship with Barry. I’m excited to see Iris get a new love interest. I enjoy watching her as a kick-ass reporter. I think Jesse L. Martin and Candice Patton are two of the stronger actors on the show, and when they are onscreen I don’t find myself checking Twitter. Give me more Iris and Joe, and sure throw Barry in there, too – he is the main character after all. I’d much rather watch that than Caitlin flirting with a guy from another universe, or ParaWells walking around all suspicious and stuff.
Anything Earth-2 related just causes me to shut down and stop paying attention. I don’t care about these people who live in an alternate universe, and I’m being generous when I say I’m only mildly interested in what the main cast of characters looks like in doppelganger form. But even more than that? The monster-sized animals. That drives me batty. I don’t get it. I don’t like it. I don’t want it on my screen. And my eyes nearly rolled out of my head at the pseudo King Kong stuff they tried with Caitlin and Grodd.
On the next (last) page: expectations for the rest of the season…