Based on the Stephen King novella “The Colorado Kid,” HAVEN is a series exploring the darker side of a small town infested with supernatural problems. Past seasons have introduced average everyday people with very unique abilities — for many these abilities are more trouble than a blessing. Thus, they are known as “troubled.” Every 27 years or so, the “troubles” seem to return to plague Haven and all within its borders. Not everyone is cursed, but all who reside there have felt the presence of the “troubles” and everyone looks forward to the day when they disappear again. As was revealed in Season 3, Audrey Parker is the key to getting rid of the “troubles” and giving the afflicted relief — it’s Audrey’s capacity to love that provides a protective loving blanket over Haven for a time, until she must return to recharge on the love she finds there.
Alas, this did not bode well for everyone. Audrey must sacrifice her life by willingly allowing herself to be incarcerated in a supernatural barn (a portal perhaps) until she is needed again in 27 years. She must give up the identity and families she has become a part of and must give up her lost loves — all for the sake of keeping Haven safe from its “troubles.”
So the Season 3 finale ended as we all feared, with Audrey willingly walking into the barn — ready to sacrifice herself and everyone she loves once again. But this time, neither Nathan (Lucas Bryant) or Duke (Eric Balfour) were ready to let her go without a fight. Nathan shot and killed Agent Howard, a supernatural being in charge of helping Audrey assimilate into each of her new lives, and the barn started to disintegrate. In desperation, Duke jumped into the barn’s disappearing vortex and vanished right along with Audrey, leaving Nathan standing bullet-ridden behind.
Season 4 picks up six months later and we find out pretty quickly where all our beloved heroes landed. (To see what happened in the intervening six month period, be sure to pick up a copy of the HAVEN Season 3 DVD/Blu-ray which comes with an exclusive collector’s comic book detailing that missing six months.) Our HAVEN heroes lives have been torn apart and each is not where you would expect them to be. Fortunately, all are alive and well in present day. Destroying the barn did stop the time-jump that Audrey would normally do, putting her 27 years into the future. But where it put her is yet unknown. And she no longer remembers her former lives. She is now Lexie Dewitt. Entering Lexie’s life is a mysterious stranger known as William (Colin Ferguson). Just what he is up to and whether he knows Lexie’s true identity remains to be seen.
As for Nathan and Duke, they are also in unexpected locations. Nathan has been grieving and searching for six months; while Duke is in a more interesting predicament. But it is not long before our heroes’ paths begin to intersect again. Destiny may have had other plans, but throwing in a full willful human beings into the mix makes an interesting twist of fate.
To see where Audrey/Lexie, Nathan, Duke and even Dwight have landed six months later, be sure to tune in for the Season 4 premiere of HAVEN on Friday, September 13th at 10:00 p.m. on Syfy. (For the Twitter fans, also be sure to use the new season hashtag #DiscoverHaven for the Friday night live-tweets for the East Coast and West Coast broadcasts in the U.S.) While there may no longer be a clock on Audrey, the trick will be to find her and get back the Audrey they all know and love this year.
Tiffany Vogt is the Senior West Coast Editor, contributing as a columnist and entertainment reporter to She has a great love for television and firmly believes that entertainment is a world of wondrous adventures that deserves to be shared and explored – she invites you to join her. Please feel free to contact Tiffany at or follow her at on Twitter (@TVWatchtower).