Wondering just how big of an episode this upcoming Thursday’s Brennan-centric instalment of BONES is? So big that we just got off of a conference call with her portrayer, the wonderfully well spoken Emily Deschanel, in which she kindly talked about the epsisode, her take on Hannah and what BONES fans have to look forward to in the coming months. Needless to say, spoilerphobes, you have been warned.
Despite the general consensus that the phrase “game-changer” is in fact one of the most overused terms in the history of the medium, Thursday’s episode — in which the murder of a prominent surgeon has Brennan re-evaluating her life as a result of how much in common she has with the victim — is just that. “Brennan starts, as a lot of people in life do, to wonder… am I working my whole life away, not spending time with the people who are important, not taking a chances,” explained Deschanel. “If I died tomorrow would I be happy with my life as it is, right now?”
What’s that? Still not convinced that Thursday’s episode — not to put too fine a point on it — changes everything? Consider the following, “Brennan starts to wonder if she made a mistake when she rejected Booth’s advances last year,” said an unsure of how much she should reveal Deschanel. “The murder of the doctor makes Brennan more aware of her feelings in a way she hasn’t been before. Hart [Showrunner Hart Hanson] and I have always talked about how Brennan is always the last person to know about her feeling for Booth, and here, it takes a very strange experience to face her feelings and see them.”
While she-who-shall-not-be-named may not play a pivotal role in next week’s episode, she will [cue ominous Terminator style music] be back! “It actually gets more serious,” teased Deschanel with regards to Booth and Hannah’s relationship. “Hannah is not a bad person. Unlike so many situations on TV when a character comes into a love triangle where people want the two leads together, Brennan likes Hannah. She’s a wonderful, smart, tough, cool and beautiful person. So in a sense, you can’t blame Booth for falling in love with her. And it’s because Brennan loves Booth and wants Booth to be happy, she likes Hannah and I think there’s a wonderful kind of push and pull between the characters.”
As much as we hate to rain on Parker’s parade that saw him in the early stages of planning a pool party for himself, Hannah and Brennan during the closing moments of last night’s episode, it’s probably not gonna happen. Particularly after Hannah discovers the truth about Booth and Brennan’s sorted past in an upcoming episode. Said Deschanel, “It’s going to be revealed in some way to Hannah about the situation with Brennan and Booth and the feelings, which will definitely create a situation for Hannah, Brennan and their friendship. Expect issues, conflict and things like that.”
Luckily for our intrepid hero and heroine, regardless of what goes down during Thursday’s episode, there won’t be an awful lot of downtime to dwell on the past. At least according to Deschanel, who offers up a few hints as to what’s in store for the Jeffersonian gang in the coming episodes. “We have an episode about Dare Devil BMX Bikers, we have an episode about a polygamist and his many wives, we have one with the Gravedigger and David [Boreanaz] directs an episode that has a sniper loose in DC, which is a great, fun action packed episode.”
BONES airs Thursdays at 8PM on FOX (Global TV in Canada)