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If We Ran Entertainment Weekly


First a disclosure.

Not only is Entertainment Weekly this TV Addict’s bible. It is also partially to blame for what some might call an unhealthy obsession with television.

That said, as a lifelong subscriber who used to go as far as to buy an issue on the newsstand when we couldn’t wait for it to arrive in our mailbox, we feel it’s well within our right to point out how disappointed we are with regards to this week’s cover story.

An exclusive look at the Twilight Directors’ Diaries. Seriously.

Putting aside the fact that Twilight, both the movie and books are some of the most overrated pieces of pop culture trash to hit the scene since HEROES. There is simply no excuse for Entertainment Weekly to subject their loyal readers to a fourth Twilight cover in almost as many months. Even if it sells magazines.

Which is why we took it upon ourself to design what we think this week’s cover of Entertainment Weekly should have looked like. Because (and this might come as a shock) it turns out that there are other ways to sell magazines that don’t involve Robert Pattinson’s smoldering good looks.

It’s called journalism. Look it up.

Oh, and just to illustrate that ‘Marketing 101’ isn’t completely lost on us, we’ve been sure to include a really hot actress on the cover, multiple Twilight references and an Ausiello shout- out to soothe his enormous ego.

You know you love me,

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