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New York Comic Con 2009: Unlocking the Mystery that is FRINGE

After saving the Mighty Ducks from the jaws of defeat on more than one occasion it should come as no surprise that it was up to the quick-witted and hilarious Josh Jackson to save the cast of FRINGE from what could have been a painfully awkward Comic Con panel thanks to some wonky microphones and one seriously inexperienced moderator. The following are some of the highlights:

Mistaken Identity
According to our calculations, it took less than a minute into the FRINGE panel for some fan to yell out “Mighty Ducks!” Re-enforcing our belief that the artist formerly known as Pacey Whitter to some will have to live with the fact that “Triple-deke” may very-well be etched on his tombstone. Well, that or “Quack, Quack, Quack.”

Josh Jackson: He’s just like us!
And by “just like us” we naturally mean that Josh Jackson outed himself as a massive fanboy. “I’m such a nerd, I’m an actor with a flow chart,” said Jackson, who it turns out uses his very own flow chart to keep track of FRINGE’s ever-expanding and increasingly complex mythology.

Look Closer
Not only did FRINGE executive producer Jeff Pinkner reveal that the flashing icons that appear just before FRINGE goes to commercial are part of a code that observant fans with some might say too much time on their hands can crack to learn what next week’s episode will be about. Pinkner hinted that, “they will also ultimately speak to some of the larger controlling mythology behind the show.”

Savvy as a Fox
According to Pinkner, the unstoppable marketing machine that is FOX will stop at nothing to promote the show. Even going as far as to place The Observer on the sidelines at the recent New York Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles playoff game, much to one actor’s chagrin! “I don’t mean to be a pissy actor…” joked Josh Jackson who also was at the game, albeit far higher up, “… But I mean really FOX? You couldn’t hook a guy up?” Pinkner also added that, “If FOX could have got him [The Observer] on the platform during President Obama’s inauguration they would have!”

Another fun fact about The Observer: Did you know that he has popped up in every single episode of FRINGE thus far (Click here for video evidence) and that according to Pinkner, “There may be more than one.”

For Whom the Bell Tolls
Pinkner promised that not only will we meet William Bell, Dr. Walter Bishop’s ex partner and head of the mysterious Massive Dynamics Corporation this season. There’s a chance we’ve already met him and just don’t know it yet!

Don’t miss tonight’s brand new episode of FRINGE which Pinkner promises is “a total game changer” on FOX at 9PM (CTV in Canada)

Photo Source: FringeBloggers

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