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Things Get UGLY For BETTY

First things first, ABC has not canceled UGLY BETTY.

Yes, we realize that yesterday’s story by Michael Ausiello has a lot of you concerned, especially when said reporter ends off his story on such an ominous note (“The net’s [ABC] not saying [when Betty will be back], and that’s the part that has me worried.”) But remember, to his credit, Ausiello often prefers to create the story, rather than simply report on it (see seemingly never-ending posts related to movies that have very little chance of actually happening: GILMORE GIRLS, VERONICA MARS etc.)

The reality of the situation is that this happens all the time. At the height of their popularity, shows like ER, PRISON BREAK and even HOUSE have all been taken off the air to allow their respective networks the opportunity to launch new shows in their valuable time slot.

That said, yesterday’s news of a BETTY benching starting March 26 to make room for back-to-back comedies IN THE MOTHERHOOD and SAMANTHA WHO at 8PM on Thursdays, does raise one far more worrisome question.

Will anyone miss Betty?

Because the ugly truth is that we’re not sure we would. With the key word here being “miss Betty”. Because Marc and Amanda disappearing… that’s an entirely different story which we’ll be addressing later.

As much as we hate to say this, the main problem with UGLY BETTY is well, Betty. Even putting aside the ridiculous fact that she hasn’t been able to pick up even a semblance of fashion sense after spending almost four years working at Mode, nothing ever changes. Take Thursday’s episode for example. Once again, Betty messed something up at work and through a series of crazy plot happenstances, must save the company, Daniel or her own career all the while dealing with being pulled in two opposite directions (How on earth will Betty choose between her family or her job again!) I mean really people (and by ‘people’ I’m of course referring to the UGLY BETTY showrunners who undoubtedly are reading this!) Have you not made the connection between your show’s sinking ratings and the fact that you’ve repeated the same variation of “Betty saves the day” for seasons on end.

Which is why we’re jumping on board with frequent commentator “Ace” who proposed the one idea that everybody can get behind: The Marc and Amanda spin-off! Which we’ve already taken the liberty of titling: MARC AND AMANDA TAKE MANHATTAN.

Now all that is left to do is wait for Ausiello to start that spin-off rumor. Pass it on…

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