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Live Blogging the LOST 5th Season Premiere

8:59PM: Let’s get ready to live blog…

9:10PM: Eleven minutes in and this TV Addict’s mind is already officially blown! The entire island went back to the future?! Holy Frak!

9:15PM: As the island goes, so to does Sawyer’s six pack. Awkward pause as I reflect on the fact that Sawyer has really let himself go!

9:21PM: Three quick questions to ponder over the commercial break. Is Lock in the same time period as the rest of the islanders? Is that Ethan who just pulled a gun on Locke? And on a far less serious note, did Canadian Geese just cause another plane crash?

9:28PM: Hurley to Sayid after he was kind enough to break him out of the mental institution, “Maybe if you eat more comfort food, you wouldn’t have to go around shooting people.”

9:30PM: As much as I’m loving that LOSTerminds Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse haven’t dumbed the show down in order to keep it accessible to potential new fans. Surely I’m not the only TV Addict who is feeling a little bit well, lost?

9:40PM: Separated at birth just a little bit: Nestor Carbonell and Jeff Probst. Who’s with me?

9:53PM: Desmond makes his first appearance of the episode and learns via a memory of Daniel Faraday that he has to go back to Oxford.

9:58PM: The ghost of Anna Lucia returns from the dead to give Hurley tips on how to avoid getting arrested. Who’d have thought this episode would make “The Constant” seem simplistic. And kudos to actress Michelle Rodriguez for looking both healthy and sober.

10:07PM: LOVE that Neil is literally wearing a “red shirt!” Genius.

10:17PM: Cheech Marin returns as Hurley’s Dad.

10:25PM: Something really bad is happening to Rebecca Mader’s Charlotte Lewis.

10:26PM: The curse of the “red shirt” strikes again. RIP Neil Frogurt.

10:31PM: A burning arrow attack? When did the Losties transport to Sherwood Forest. How very ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES.

10:41PM: From the comments, Hilsto writes, “So did anyone else get the impression she blames Ben AND Jack for her husband’s death? She is getting pretty devious. I was feeling a lot of fake warmth in that scene with Kate.” To with this TV Addict responds, Agreed! Sun is totally turning evil this year.

10:58PM: Forgive me, but was I supposed to know who the mystery women Ben was talking to was? Very disappointed with tonight’s two hour premiere, check back tomorrow my thoughts.

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