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The LOST Season 5 Poster: What Does it Mean?

Courtesy of AICN comes a first look at ABC’s Official LOST Season 5 Poster. Also courtesy of AICN comes another sleepless night, as this TV Addict feverishly attempts to decipher all the clues that LOSTerminds Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse have planted within the poster. Here’s a few questions we’ve come up with thus far.

(1) Why are Kate and Sawyer peering directly into each-other’s eyes? (2) Why do Jack (Clean shaven no less!) and Kate virtually mirror Sawyer and Juliet in terms of positioning? (3) Where are Jin and Claire? (4) Where’s Locke’s coffin! (5) And finally, since when do Faraday, Miles, Charloette and Desmond warrant poster status?

Take a closer look for yourself by clicking here and feel free to point out what we’ve missed in the comments below.

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