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Ask the Addict: Now With 100% Genuine Scoop

Question: Well here it is Mr. So-Called TV Addict. Your very own Moment of Truth. On Monday you promised us genuine TV related scoop about one of our favorite BATTLESTAR GALACTICA cast members. Did you bring it?. — YesIamthefinalcylon

TV Addict: Did I ever! Are you ready for the scoop you’ve been anxiously waiting two whole days for? Because here it goes. The cast member who has just signed on to a high profile series for a multi-episode arc in order to, as this TV Addict’s source put it, “sex-up the second season” is…..

[Pause for Dramatic Effect]

[Drum Roll Please]

[Initiate Countdown]

[Okay I’ll Stop]

Grace Park. Who will be joining the cast of the CBC’s [Canada’s Broadcasting Corporation] hit show THE BORDER for a multi-episode arc to kick off the start the second season. And because I know you’re probably thinking, “What’s THE BORDER?” It’s Canada’s version of A&E’s MI5, or as our friends in the UK call it, SPOOKS.

Question: Quick, I’m suffering from serious GREY’S ANATOMY withdrawal and need three CC’s of scoop STAT! — McNerdly

TV Addict: Unfortunately this TV Addict has been banned thanks to a silly court order from prescribing anything to you. But rest assured McNerdly, I sympathize. As I too am jonsin’ for some more more McRomance following the phenomenal string of post-WGA strike episodes that Shonda Rhimes and her creative team delivered.

If only I had the first season of GREY’S ANATOMY on DVD. Too bad one of my so-called ‘friends’ decided to ‘borrow’ the first season without returning it. But rather than remain bitter that everyone I know enjoys using my ridiculously large, not to mention incredibly expensive TV on DVD collection as their personal lending library — I should probably go about answering your question. According to my sources* ex-ROME and JOURNEYMAN star Kevin McKidd is about to sign on for the season as a love interest for Cristina.

*And by ‘Sources’ I naturally mean TVGuide, who ironically enough has been using Entertainment Weekly as their primary ‘source’ of late. Awkward.

Question: Will the fourth season of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA be released on DVD in two parts like Season 2? Or will we be forced to wait until 2009 for the season to end? — Victoria

TV Addict: Since the trend in Hollywood seems to be heading more and more towards splitting up a season into two parts [see: THE SOPRANOS, GREEK, SEX AND THE CITY] in order to make more money off a dedicated fan base. I can almost guarantee that the first half of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA’s fourth season will be release just in time for the holiday season.

For more on the subject, check out Michael Giltz’s informative and somewhat depressing article titled DVDs: TV Show Boxed Set Rip-Offs

Question: What TV on DVD would you suggest I watch over the summer? 24? THE WIRE? BURN NOTICE? — Chitown Mimi

TV Addict: All of your suggestions are flat out winners. As for myself, having recently completed the amazing first twenty-seven episodes of GREEK via iTunes, I’ve started to download TORCHWOOD, since I’m on quite the John Barrowman kick [see stalkeresque pics]

Dear TV Addict, I love WIPEOUT on ABC. Is there any chance ABC would make this a regular non-summer show? — Tim G.

TV Addict: Hmmm… When has a network ever managed to NOT run an incredibly popular reality TV show into the ground? In other-words, WIPEOUT’s surprisingly stellar ratings has this TV Addict predicting that we’ll see new episodes far sooner than next summer. Because let’s face it, who needs quality scripted dramas like LOST when we can watch idiots fall into mud.

Question: Can you tell us anything about the new season of DEXTER. I cannot wait for my favorite serial killer to return — Dave

TV Addict: Dave first off, I’d prefer if you would refrain from categorizing Dexter Morgan as a serial killer. He’s simply a concerned citizen who just so happens to take justice into his own hands. Serial Killer is so, I don’t know… criminal.

That said, I will reveal that I’ll be able to tell you A LOT more about the upcoming third season of DEXTER after I return from my annual pilgrimage to nerd fest Comic Con. Where this TV Addict, along with Comic Con sidekicks Amrie and Lauren will be attending the Showtime DEXTER Party following the DEXTER panel.

Question: Is Nina Dobrev from DEGRASSI really a teenage Mom? — Jen

TV Addict: Remember back in grade school when your teachers liked to say there was no such thing as a stupid question. Well they were wrong.

But for the record, having personally met and interviewed the lovely Nina Dobrev, I can attest to the fact that she is not a teenage mother. It’s called acting.

And on the off chance you were wondering, JUNO’s Ellen Page wasn’t really pregnant and neither is THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER’s Shailene Woodley.

Which brings us to the end of another Ask the Addict. But before it’s over, a final question for you, my far smarter and better looking readers.

Living up here in Canada, the TV Addict doesn’t have access to ABC Family. So the only way I’m going to be able to check out THE SECRET LIFE OF THE AMERICAN TEENAGER is if I decide to spend my very limited US iTunes Funds. So is 7th HEAVEN creator Brenda Hampton’s new show worth the $1.99 download? Is it cheestacularly bad in a good way. Or just bad?

Got a question for the TV Addict? Or better yet some scoop! Yes I’m talking to you Marc Guggenheim, Roberto Orci, Josh Friedman and/or Greg Berlanti. Feel free to email

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