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AMERICAN IDOL Recap: Songs From the Year I Was Born or Songs and Performances that Just Bored

By: The IDOL Addict

Welcome to’s new AMERICAN IDOL recap. As Simon likes to remind us it is a singing competition so we don’t plan to judge interviews, video packages, fashion choices or the coherency of judges…who are we kidding this is reality television!

Last night had the theme of songs from the year you were born. Birth is a celebratory event but only a few performances deserve a cigar. The clear winner of the brass ring was David Cook. This may be the first Addict recap but I have been at the front of the David Cook fan club for weeks. Cook takes risks that result in massive payoffs. He is ripping 80s pop from our walkmans and churning them out for repeat play on our iPods. His Billie Jean last night was incredible and he has managed to do what a great singer on a reality television should do, get us excited to tune in to see what he will do next week. David Cook will be on the stage of the Nokia Theatre saddled with an ill fitting finale song which may force the crown to David Archuleta.

Archuleta is consistently great, but consistently great becomes tired quickly in the land of TV. David A. must find a way to take risks and become more interesting or he will go the way of season 6’s MindyDoo. No matter how good you are if you don’t get us excited week after week we become complacent and complacency only gets you to number 3 or 4. One side note, I found David’s song catchy but Simon’s comment about someone else making the song choice was an awkward moment alluding to reports of an overbearing showbiz dad. Did anyone notice the traditional post judgment interview was dropped and Ryan went right to the numbers? Perhaps time was short but the moment was a little uncomfortable.

The next contestant worth writing about, and I can’t believe I am giving her praise after her unforgivable butchering of Eight Days A Week is Kristy Lee Cook. Her choice of God Bless The U.S.A. gave a girl on the edge of elimination a free pass into the top 9. Michael Johns proved his only hope of fame is playing the lead in a production of We Will Rock You. Outside of the Queen catalogue this guy has not scored a hit on the show. Syesha Mercado showed why she deserved to be in the top 10 but it may be too little to late.

The others gave run of the mill safe performances with little flair but my most pointed criticism goes out to the most boring contestant in Idol history, Ramiele Maluby. Absolutely nothing is compelling about this girl. I can’t believe David Hernandez was sent packing while this girl sucks the life out of the Idol studio and my living room. How can this girl inspire anyone to even contemplate picking up their phone to dial her number??? Ramiele your 15 minutes is up and it is shame you have a spot on the tour, you can bet I’ll be re-filling my popcorn when she warbles her solo.

Photo Credit: Frank Micelotta/FOX

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