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Join the TV Addict as he Desperately Attempts to Eat Healthier

In case you missed it, last week the TV Addict received some shocking news.

Apparently a steady diet of burgers, pizza and fries do not equal a healthy and balanced diet.

Thus, in a continued effort to eat slightly healthier, will feature a weekly Healthy [yet still fine tasting] Alternative Dinner Idea.

On tonight’s menu: Steak Fajitas.

Here’s what you’ll need.

• Soft Tortillas
• Steak (or chicken)
• Optional toppings include vegetables and cheese.
• Optional seasoning and marinating for addition flavor explosion. (I like to spice up my steak at the beginning of the day with HP sauce (A1 for you funny Americans) and Montreal Steak Spice)

I should also take this opportunity to mention that the TV Addict is quickly running out of healthy eating alternatives. So please feel free to email me at with your own recipes which I’ll be happy to post each and every Tuesday.

Bon Appétit

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