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Jenny’s TV Guide: Sunday February 17

Welcome to a new week for This Week on TV! Lots of good stuff on this week. And since the writer’s strike is over and we are going to be seeing the return of many of our favorites in a couple of months, it’s time to celebrate. So let’s get to it and see what’s going on, shall we?

Sunday marks the two-hour movie (which may be turned into a series assuming you all tune in) of Knight Rider. Will this re-imagination be BIONIC WOMAN bad or BATTLESTAR GALACTICA good, find out for yourself on NBC at 9/8c (Global TV in Canada)

It’s also the network premiere of Dexter on CBS at 10/9c. If you haven’t caught this show before, NOW IS THE TIME! It is so terrific. I’ve heard they didn’t ruin it by having to tone parts down when they took it off cable, so… Definitely check it out!

Also on tonight:

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