In celebration of Green Arrow’s highly anticipated return visit to SMALLVILLE this Thursday, the TV Addict has been given the opportunity to ask a few questions of SMALLVILLE executive producer and co-creator Al Gough. So go nuts posting your questions and I’ll be sure to ask the most interesting ten.
Will Clark experiment with disguises before going with the one we all know and love? I guess it would be a way for Clark to become an unknown hero and actually use his abilities without being noticed.
Will we ever get to see Clark and Lana be happy together for more than five minutes?
any idea when clark and lana will break up again? this time for good?
From past interviews and from the episode “Action” this 7th season it seems like you don’t care about what the fans want and you diss us for wanting to see the show at its full potential. Why would you disregard the fans who want to see a way better show and who also have supported the show since the pilot?
Hello Mr Gough. All I like to to know is will TW Kk and MR all be back for another sesson. I heard that MR will not be coming back. Also pleease dont listen to all the hate from most of the fans. It seem like they all hate Lana but dont listen to them their are alot of Lana and Lana and Clark fans out their. Dont get me wrong though. I one of those Clana fans who also like Lois and Chole to. I think you shouldnt hate on any charactor. I just like to see Lana and Clark have a proper and bittersweet ending.
when is chlark going to happen?
will we see again chloe’s reporter? please say yes i really miss her
when will be the end of the clana? soon please
will we see again a chlark’s kiss?
please more chloe less lana and lois and chimmy
Will Allisn Mack be back in season eight? i need her
I sorry I forgot to add that I hope the writers get a good deal and hope the stike is resloved soon. I really hope we get a full sesson.
It seems that you think that “if Clark is able to fly then he is Superman” or “If Clark wears the suit then he is Superman” and I’m not agree with that. If Clark were able to fly right now he wouldn’t be Superman to me, he would be “a flying big dumb alien”. Superman is much more than that, it’s a moral code (that Clark has lost since the death of Jonathan Kent), and it’s a double identity that must be developed telling us WHY he makes that choice and WHY he is reporter/Superhero. We need to see Clark getting closer his reporter career; we need to see Clark falling in love with Lois, and we need to see Clark using his own brain for once, the guy will be star reporter one day and he is not able of tying his own shoes if Chloesue doesn’t explain him how to do it.
So my question is: will we EVER see any of this (to me is the whole point of a show like “Smallville”?, or will we get more and more pointless “clana drama” until the series finale and then Clark will say “I want to be a hero”… and “5 years later” he is a hero but it happens in offscreenville?
If this is the last year of Michael Rosenbaum, why did you waste him like that?, he is the only one that I care if he leaves the show. Kristin Kreuk and Allison Mack, I don’t care at all if they leave. If he leaves… will you bring “Intergang” to the show?
Why did you make the Grant/Lois arc?, I didn’t like at all, Lois deserves much better than that. Will we see more Lex/Lois scenes?, I would love to have a lot of Kara/Lois and Jimmy/Lois scenes too. Will we ever have Lois in all the episodes of the season? I love her, she is the one who makes me stand the failure that Clark is.
Clark and Lana won’t ever be happy because they are not meant to be, because they don’t know each other and because they don’t even now themselves. Now that we got the point… can we focus in Clark’s development as a Superhero and reporter please?
Will we have Perry White in the show again?
Could you kill Chloe?, not that I really care about her, it’s just to bother the “chloiser’s fan”. I’m so tired of them bashing Lois and Lana just because Clark won’t ever be in love with Chloe. If Chloe dies the weekly “poor Chloe” threat will die too.
It seems that you think that “if Clark is able to fly then he is Superman” or “If Clark wears the suit then he is Superman” and I’m not agree with that. If Clark were able to fly right now he wouldn’t be Superman to me, he would be “a flying big dumb alien”. Superman is much more than that, it’s a moral code (that Clark has lost since the death of Jonathan Kent), and it’s a double identity that must be developed telling us WHY he makes that choice and WHY he is reporter/Superhero. We need to see Clark getting closer his reporter career; we need to see Clark falling in love with Lois, and we need to see Clark using his own brain for once, the guy will be star reporter one day and he is not able of tying his own shoes if Chloesue doesn’t explain him how to do it.
So my question is: will we EVER see any of this (what to me is the whole point of a show like “Smallville”?, or will we get more and more pointless “clana drama” until the series finale and then Clark will say “I want to be a hero”… and “5 years later” he is a hero but it happens in offscreenville?
If this is the last year of Michael Rosenbaum, why did you waste him like that?, he is the only one that I care if he leaves the show. Kristin Kreuk and Allison Mack, I don’t care at all if they leave. If he leaves… will you bring “Intergang” to the show?
Why did you make the Grant/Lois arc?, I didn’t like at all, Lois deserves much better than that. Will we see more Lex/Lois scenes?, I would love to have a lot of Kara/Lois and Jimmy/Lois scenes too. Will we ever have Lois in all the episodes of the season?
Clark and Lana won’t ever be happy because they are not meant to be, because they don’t know each other and because they don’t even now themselves. Now that we got the point… can we focus in Clark’s development as a Superhero and reporter please?
Will we have Perry White in the show again?
When will you and the show start tying loose ends?It has so many of them .
two questions
1 will Kristin Kreuk finally leave the show?, her character, Lana Lang, ruins the show and damages Clark’s iconic character (as well as Lex’s). She must leave the show in instance of Michael Rosenbaum.
2 Will Clark fall in love with lois in the show?. She is Clark Kent a.k.a.the future Superman’s soulmate and true love. With the dumb focus on Lana Lang in the show, the image of the true soulmate is been ruined.
Are you planning to stop putting Clark and Lana though constant angst because in order to see Clark fulfill his destiny, shouldn’t we see him in the happiest relationship ever which both he and Lana will give up so that Clark can help others?
1. I would love to see Lex involved in the creation of Parasite, somehow, and Clark having to fight him. It might teach him to not take his powers for granted, and use his own creativity.
2. Why didn’t we get to see Chloe learn how to use her powers?
3. Anything interesting with Chloe and Jimmy in store?
4. Do you think Clark uses excessive force on this show? Will he ever stop?
5. Where’s Shelby?
6. Will Clark and Lex have any interesting dynamics free from the Lana storylines?
7. Will Clana ever end?
8. Will we ever see the Legion? Clark could can some amazing experiences from them. Also, I would love to see Clark meet Lar Gand anyway you can fit it in!
9. Will Clark and Lois have more screen time? I feel parched.
I’ve always believed that Smallville is in the unique position to explain Clark’s “love at first sight” when he meets Lois at the Daily Planet. Do you plan on being this bridge to the mythos and perhaps having Clark begin to develop feelings for Lois before the end of the series?
I absolutely love that you picked Erica Durance for Lois Lane. Her chemistry with Aaron Ashmore is so great! Will they be teaming up again in the future, and possibly bring Clark along with them? I would love to see that.
Hi Al!
I’m excited about the upcoming bit in Siren about Chloe working with Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, is there any chance that Chloe will continue working in some capacity with the Justice Leage? Of course I love her partnership with Clark, but I wouldn’t mind her having her own thing on the side.
Will Clark ever just walk away from Jor-El and the FoS? It’s horrible what Jor-El has turned into, and Clark doesn’t need another abusive influence in his life.
Lastly, will we get a renewed focus on Chloe as reporter? I know she’s still at the DP, and working on all kinds of stuff, but I’d love to see her breaking individual stories again. I’m also hoping her working with Green Arrow in Siren gives her some info on Lex’s 33.1.
Is there a reason why there was no annual Chlark kiss in season 6, and is there still one planned for season 7? And are there still plans for Chloe to be promoted from the basement? That possibility was introduced with Grant, and then reporter Chloe was dropped again in order for scenes with her new crying power.
What happened to the true Chloe Sullivan of seasons 1-5? A lot of people have noticed how different her role has been since Lois got into reporting during season 6, and now the writers and even the actress want to talk up Chloe as the healer, instead of the reporter role that was always hers from the beginning. Particularly when it comes to exposing Lex and Level 33.1, Chloe’s fans have been waiting a long time for her to break that story, but Chloe was actually seen handing research over to Lois this year. Is that meant to be reflective of how Chloe is being forced in handing over her role to Lois?
Now that Lana has had sex with two of Superman’s biggest villains, Lex and Bizarro, isn’t it time to cut off Clark and Lana’s relationship? I mean let them have some bad feelings for a while and then become friends, but the romance is just so doomed it makes Clark look like a fool with no self respect the longer he stays in the relationship.
As for Chloe, either promote her upstairs, or have her join the Justice League because of her power. Either choice would be cool, but I don’t really see her as a reporter that much anymore because almost every episode she’s helping Clark and not doing reporting.
I’m not worried about Clark becoming a reporter yet, just maybe an interest expressed would be enough for now. The same with his feelings for Lois. I’d like to see an indication that his feelings are shifting from his doomed love to his destined love. Is it possible you and Mr. Millar could write the episode where it finally dawns on Clark that he’s been missing out on something with Lois? That would be awesome, you guys haven’t written an episode in a long time.
I got a few questions:
Will there be commentary in the next DVD set (or sets)? Will you encourage the main three (Tom, Michael and Kristin) to participate if there are?
What are the post-strike plans for the show should the WGA and AMPTP end it in time to possibly shoot more? How many more episodes could we potentially get, if any? Will a strike shortened season make it more likely that the show will get an 8th season?
As long as everyone else is complaiining about something, I think I’ll counter the negativity and praise you and the show instead.
The show has let me down a time or two, but I love it still. It is probably the best looking show on TV, and I’m not just talking about Tom ;).
I mention it in my reviews on KryptonSite all the time, so much so that I probably sound like a broken record about it, but I love how well put together the show is. Even with the occassional dud episode, there have been so many wonderful ones I don’t mind occassional dreckitude. Labyrinth and Nemesis more than make up for episodes like Static and Lucy.
So, thank you for all the hard work you, your writers, actors and crew do to bring us such a wonderful show. I really do look forward to it every week.
Okay, a few random questions…
1) Since it looks like you’ll be able to salvage at least some of the back-half, will Allison get a chance to direct this year after all?
2) What was Jor-El’s motivation in freezing Clark in ice for weeks? How long would he have kept him frozen if Bizarro hadn’t stopped by? Can you give the viewers any insights into a character that, half the time, seems like more of a villain than a moral guide for the hero?
3) Was the audience supposed to see Lana as being torn between choosing Clark or Bizarro in the final sequence before she finally decides to destroy him?
4) Unlike Lana, Clark doesn’t need a relationship to define himself. Is the Bizarro/Lana relationship the straw that finally breaks the Clana’s back and ends it for good so Clark can finally move on?
5) Clark always seems to be more mature and Superman-like when he’s interacting with Chloe. Likewise, Chloe seems to know the real Clark better than anyone. How much screentime will Tom and Allison be sharing in the rest of the season?
6) In the past it’s seemed like Chloe’s arc for the season doesn’t really start to pick up steam until the back half of the season. What do you have lined up for our favorite truth-seeking reporter in the back half?
7) James Marsters and Tom played really well off each other in their scenes in “Persona.” Who else do you have plans for James to have scenes with throughout the rest of the season?
I’ve been a Smallville ‘watcher’ since the pilot and I was just wondering: we’ve seen Clark crushing over Lana Lang for seven seasons, when will Clark realize that Lana is not the one and stray away from her? With the whole “Bizana” thing during “Gemini” and “Persona”, will that affect the relationship and FINALLY get Clark to start thinking that she’s more than a little “princess”?
Will Allison Mack be in Season 8 if there is one? I really like the character she plays..Chloe Sullivan, and she plays it really really really good. I got into watching Smallville because of Allison Mack and the great character she plays. I would be done with Smallville is she gone.
Will we be seeing some Chloe/Lois team work? I really like to see them working together.
I like to see more of Lois in a season? Will that ever happen?
I really have had enough of the whole Clark/Lana…when will it end? Please make it stop.
I really love the whole Chloe/Watchtower. Like how she helps Oliver and the team. And I hope for more of that.
And Allison Mack you ROCK.
Will there be more villains from the Superman rouge gallery appearing on the show, having Bizzaro and Brainiac was awesome. I wonder if anymore will pop up such as Metallo, Parasite, Live Wire, Prankster, Toy Man or the Intergang.
Will we ever see Bizarro again? and are Clark and Lana in it for the long haul this time? you know atleast till the series finale?
Will Lexana be sharing any more screentime this year? They had a really steamy kiss in Wrath (and thank you for that!), but since then no interaction at all? Lex’s screen time has been drastically reduced this season in fact, but do Lexana fans have more to look forward too with upcoming episodes, now that Clana appear to be on the rocks for good this time?
It seems 2 me that the Clark and his inner circle don’t seem 2 work all that well together, they keep things from each other and have their own issues. I know that a lot has happened with all the characters inside Clark’s inner circle and with Clark himself; but with Brainiac back will the characters at least put aside their differences and start working together 2 stop the Kryptonian A.I. and perhaps Lex as well.
I hope that Clark doesn;t start to develope feelings Lois until the seried finale….a little hint here and there. but not too fast…
Anyway I have maybe a few questions….”
Is there ANY chance of Lori Lemaris making apprearences in SV She was his collage sweetheart…?
And also I think it should be interesting for a least the Legion of Superhereos making an appearance in SV to show Clark is destiny for one or two episodes Wiil they be making an appearence also.??
I have never seen so much hate for Lana Lang. There was a time, up to season 3, that she was probably more loved than Clark Kent.
Then you decided she was more important than the main character of the show. The result? Declining ratings and awful stories that have three things in common; 1) Lana must be somehow involved, 2) everyone loves Lana and 3) she is never to blame for her decisions or her mistakes.
I guess it would be idiotic to ask once again when are you going to finally show the fans that Lana is just not right for Clark, so I am going to ask Why such an obsession over her character? Why do you think she is so important when in fact Lana is only a bleep in the Superman mythology?
Thank you
Both Lex and Lana have spent time away from Smallville and visited other parts of the world. Have guys ever thought about having Clark do the same thing in at least one episode or a time bet. episodes? I have felt that Clark needs 2 go somewhere and find himself, reflect on things in his life in a spiritual part of the world, perhaps in Asia, South America or Africa. I mention those since I see Clark as the more spiritual type, not so much taking pictures on the streets of Paris like Lana, lol.
Hey I’m from Vancouver B.c where smallville shoots, As you mentioned last summer, we will get to see clark fly by kara teaching him flying lessons..??? Will season be the mytho of superman, where he gets a job at the daily planet, needing a disguise as a reportor, u said before on a ipod interview few years back, that Clark moves out of the kent farm, moves to metroplois cause he realizes that people need saving, u said that was on halt, will that happen in season 8, don’t want season 8 to go out in a bang.
Hey I’m from Vancouver B.c where smallville shoots, As you mentioned last summer. We will get to see clark fly by kara teaching him flying lessons..??? Will 8 season be the mytho of superman, where he gets a job at the daily planet, needing a disguise as a reportor, u said before on a ipod interview few years back, that Clark moves out of the kent farm, moves to metroplois cause he realizes that people need saving, u said that was on halt, when will that happen..??? will that happen in season 8, Don’t you want season 8 to go out in a bang.
Will we ever see Clark and Lana truly happy together with no secrets and lies and angst between them? I have waited 7 years to see this.
To me, reporting + DP= Chloe
Can we have more of this kind of Chloe?
P.S. When will Clark open his eyes to the hot thang that is Chloe Sullivan?
I don’t have a question, just an observation.
Looks like Smallville is the new favorite show among the visitors to this site. W/ this posting and the other one several weeks back about Lana and Chloe, there seems to be more replies than i’ve ever seen for any other show.