In celebration of Green Arrow’s highly anticipated return visit to SMALLVILLE this Thursday, the TV Addict has been given the opportunity to ask a few questions of SMALLVILLE executive producer and co-creator Al Gough. So go nuts posting your questions and I’ll be sure to ask the most interesting ten.
When Clark is going to fall inlove with Lois!!!??? we are dying here, we have waited a lot, and have suffer with Clana, it is time to Clark move on to Lois now that the show is about to end
1) Do you plan on having Clark becoming interested in journalism again? It is such a huge part of him, almost as big as Superman, and I miss seeing him progressing towards the ace reporter he is supposed to become.
2) You mentioned, previously, that Clark would start to develop romantic feelings towards Lois by the end of season 7. Is this still going to happen, or did you change your mind about that?
3) The original plan for Lois Lane, this season, was to after Lex Luthor. I was extremely excited with this story line, and I was a little disappointed because it didn’t really happen yet. Do you still plan for it to happen this season?
4) When exactly will Clark and Lana become friends, as they are supposed to be? The best clana, in this series, were when they were only friends, back in season 1, and I really miss that. They are much better as friends, than they ever were as lovers, and I fear that their relationship has reached a point, that, by the end, no friendship would be possible at all. At least, in real world, I can’t really see it happening.
Are we ever going to get a proper explanation concerning the S and 8 symbols representing the house of EL? I’ve been waiting for one since season 2!
Is Zor-el ever coming back?
Is the relationship between Clark and Jor-el going to change and improve? A lot of fans are complaining about how bad Jor-el is portrayed in Smallville and I hope there is en explanation for this (besides Clark’s bad choices).
We will see the Soulmate Bracelet again?? When Lois is going to receive it???
1. When are we going to see more Chlark scoobying? It’s what made the show see these two just bounce off ideas so well from each other.
2. When is Clark going to realize that Chloe is the one for him? Persona clearly proved to even non-shippers of this show that Chloe is the better girl for him.
3. When is Chloe going to get back to her no-holds bar reporting style? It’s what actually made people like her character. Not some filmsy girl who’s in love with Jimmy Olsen or a girl who now is a meteor freak.
4. By the way, when is Chloe’s power going to be gone. No one likes this power that makes the character passive and so unlike the Chloe Sullivan of S1 through 5.
What’s the point of Chloe now….when she is going to die….the Chloogle is getting annoying
Kill Chloe save the show.
1) Will season eight finally focus on the development of Clark Kent into the mythos superhero, instead of so many filler episodes about angst triangles and dead-end relationships? Will there be more episodes that are Clark-centric, with him making important decisions on his own about his life and his destiny?
2) Will Clark develop an interest in journalism, and start writing news stories, even if it’s for the college newspaper?
3) Will Tom Welling get the chance to direct again in season eight?
4) Will we get a glimpse of the Superman costume in the series finale? The final scene could show Clark with glasses at the Daily Planet in the future, with him ripping open his shirt to reveal the classic “S” logo/suit underneath. This would be a nice compromise to the whole Superman suit issue, and would be better than Clark leaving to go to the Fortress for training with the cruel, sadistic Jor-El AI computer program.
5) Will Annette O’Toole return as a guest star in season eight, to possibly sew the Superman costume, as she does in some comics versions?
Will Chloe and Jimmy get back together???? they were shuc a great couple
What happend with Chloe in the Comics?? they were ready for it so why the sudden change of plans
Will Kara meet the JLA??
When will we have our Clois????
When we will have more Lois??
Anychance of having Perry back and meet Lois?? have you considering recasting if you can’t have Michael McKean back??
Hi! I’m French and I love the show!
I’ve just a few questions for you:
-We have a season 8?
-Flying lessons for Clark?
-Will we see Bizarro again?
-A final two episode for the show?
Thank you very much for all the work on the show!
Hoping for a season 8!
Thanks again
Clark595(one of the greatest fan of the show in France.)
Ps: Sorry if my english is not very good
Will we finally get to see an angst-free relationship between Clark and Lana?
Are Clark and Lana going to have sex since nothing happened when she did with Bizarro?
Are we going to see Clark flying with Lana?
Will Kal make an appearance again?
What storyline in SV Season 7 are you most pleased with and what aspect do you wish you had had more time to develop? Please provide a little insight as to “why” for those questions.
When will we get rid of Clana? I need to know.
When Chloe will finish her article about Lex and Luthorcorp? Or 33.1???
Will Clark start College again in the future?
I adore watching Chloe and Clark scooby, and I’ve missed that so much this season. Will we be seeing more of that any time soon?
Also, will we see more of Chloe’s progress as a reporter at the DP? Her love of journalism, her brains, and her courage are what made me fall in love with this character ‘way back in Season One. I really would like to see her acknowledged as the true “Lois” of SV, as I think she deserves to be.
Will Clana finally die, or you going to ruin another season with that relationship?
Will AM get a chance to direct in S8 since it seems S7 won’t get to episode 20?
When will Chloe get promoted at the DP
Will we see Chloe get to be a reporter again?
What’s the point of EDLois? Her DP arc was a waste of time, especially since Grant’s purpose wasn’t revealed. When will Lois die?
You said Clark will develop more then plationic feelings for Lois, please say by Lois you mean Chloe because onscreen it’s showing us why Clark falls or Chloe, NOT why he falls for Lois. Please say you consider development is important because everything you’ve been showing is in favor of ending with Chlark. So will there be Chlark by the end of the series?
Will Clark consider having a secret identity?
Will Chloe ever be featured on the cover of a DVD set?
When will you open your eyes and promote AM more?
Tom Welling and Allison Mack have such fantastic chemistry that makes the show enjoyable, you agree?
What is in store for Chloe?
Redeem the Show and end with Chlois and show the people your heads aren’t stuck inside your asses.
1. How did Chloe learn to use and control her power? What is the purpose of having her develop control and use of her power offscreen? Will we ever see her working on and developing her power on screen?
2. Will Chloe get back to reporting and working her way out of the basement of the Daily Planet? Will she begin having stories published again? Will she regain her focus, drive, and competitive reporting spirt?
3. Will we see Chloe’s mom again during the series?
4. Will we see Clark begin to focus on developing and using his abilities to their full potential, including learning to fly?
5. Will we see Chloe and Clark get back to spending more time together and making the long overdue transition from platonic friends to romantic partners?
6. When will Clark go back to school and start working on his future as as journalist?
Are you ever going to explain Jor-El on this show? He’s nothing short of sadistic, as well as being inconsistent. I can’t think of one reason why I would want Clark “to train” with him. He seems no less vicious then Lionel is towards Lex.
Is this storyline going somewhere, and we’re going to get an explanation? Or do you not see the problem?
Also, during S5, in several interviews and on the DVD commentary, you were positively GLEEFUL that Clana was dead. You were only lamenting that it took you so long to kill it. And then it came back? Do you and Miles have doppelgangers out there giving contradictory interviews?
I’ve watched Smallville since the very first episode and have come to adore the character of Chloe Sullivan. My question for you is, is she ever going to get out of the basement and into the bullpen of the Daily Planet or it that something else she’s going to lose to someone less deserving in the Smallville universe?
Love the show, I really feel the show has been getting better by the year, season 5, 6 and 7 has been GREAT!!!
Anyway I’d love to see more John Jones, maybe a even a John Jones centric episode. I’m praying for a season 8, and hopefully one more Justice like episode.
Keep It up!
1. Has the “Bruce Wayne embargo” been lifted now? Seems a bit hypocritical that they say he cant be on SV because of Bale, yet WB is set to make another movie right alongside him with JLA, no?
2. Are you planning on exploring the creation of the “secret identity” for Clark? i.e. why he’ll wear the glasses, take the job at the Planet, etc.
3. Will the costume figure prominently into that? Such as why he creates it? or where he gets it? what it means? etc. oh and the show HAS to end with one final shot of either Tom in the full suit or a shirt rip to reveal the S shield. We’ll come find you if it doesnt. 😉
Will we ever see the return of Perry White? If so, would you try and bring Michael McKean back?
Is Chloe’s hard work and dedication to The Daily Planet ever going to pay off and get her out of the basement and under the Tiffany Lamps?
Can we expect anymore Dark/Evil Lana? She’s fun 🙂
Why give Chloe a “power” that hurts her and only helps people AFTER they’re injured?
Since the show is rumored to be unable to bring in Wonder Woman, have you ever thought about introducing Donna Troy’s Wonder Girl?
Clark and Lana are my favorite characters. They have both gone through so much hurt and pain. Will they ever find happiness at least for a brief time before the end of the series? I am still hoping for that bittersweet ending, not a bitter one…
Thank you for a wonderful show!
When CHLOE is going to die….we are tired of her, Lana is knows the Secret Lois is a reporter…so what’s Chloe porpuse???
And please don’t think for a second that Chlois is going to redeem a damn…pleeeaseee its funny when people keep grabbing by straws….
Just because a buch of desilusional people online think Chlois is a possibility doens’t refelct what the majority of people want…
Why would Clark ever go back to the fortress? How does it become HIS place of solitude?
Why couldn’t the AI at the fortress imprison Bizarro if it could capture Clark?
What was Clark supposed to learn from being frozen for weeks?
Why don’t we ever see inside Clark’s mind like we do Lex’s?
Why does Clark choose to become a hero? Does it make him happy? Please don’t just let it be some awful survivor guilt thing!
Has Martha met Kara?
Why didn’t Clark help Chloe learn to use her power or at least be there for her? She saw him learn, and helped. When did she learn to control it?
Will Allisn Mack be back in season eight?
Can you please kill off Chloe Sullivan?
first it would help get Clark’s butt in gear with the hero thing, and two we wouldnt have to listen to the pudgy fan girls constantly whining about the fact that Clark doesnt like her in that way…
Hvae you read TV Guide lately?? Clois is what people wnat…..Chalrk what??? oh right they didn’t even make it to the poll….even the oh-we-hate-clana was there
When We will have Clois??
When Clark is going to use Glasses??
When Clark will start using HIS brain and stop going to Chloe everytime he has to pee??
When Lois and Perry are going to meet??
Why JorEl is sooo…well lousy parent???
When “I am Lois/Lana/Jonathan/Shelby/Black Canary/Wonder Woman” Chloe is going to go away??
Well this is nice, thanks for the oportunity.
Now putting the circumstances of the strike, the slightly lower ratings, Michael (Rosenbaum) and possibly Kristin (Kreuk) who won’t reniew their contracts and Clarks time to start his training aside…yes I realize that’s quite a lot…but will there be a full season 7 and 8?
1) I absolutely love Erica Durance and her incarnation of Lois Lane. Will she finally appear in all 22 episodes if there’s a season 8?
2) I’ve read that Lois and Jimmy will be working on a story together. Are we going to see more of this investigative duo?If yes, is there any chance that Clark joins the team once in a while?
1) What is Chloe’s relevance to the show at this time? She was formerly a great character, but she has been reduced to a small supporting player on the show. Why is she still on the show?
2) How can the audience ever believe that Clark will ever function in a healthy relationship in the future when the character is tied and imprisoned to his relationship with Lana? We all know that Lana is not Clark’s future. Why 7 seasons later are we still watching it? My fear is that you will end the series with Clark having to carry the blame for every decision that the other characters have ever made.
3) Why have you ruined the iconic reputation of Lois Lane with the rather shoddy treatment that you’ve given to that character? Chlois fans and ILL fans everywhere are deeply offended by the characterization she’s gotten. Why didn’t you get it right from the start and just write Chloe off the series? The show hasn’t needed Allison Mack since the end of season 5. The problem now is that Chloe is the only reputable and ethical reporter on the show while her cousin’s reputation is ruined with a large number of the fandom. Who are you offering as the true Lois Lane on this show?
Will we see Bizarro again? He was my favourite villain ever on the show, and I just think Tom Welling portrayed the best version ever seen. Anyway, bringing back all the mythic figures this year was awesome. I can’t wait to see Pete again, and what Brainiac is up to.
7 years ago, the vision of Lex’s future in “Hourglass” scares me and since this time, I always wanted it to happen in the show (Really, not in any Lex’s vision), in the series finale, for example. It would be a great effect.
Thanks for creating such a show, you influenced all my writing, by the structured seasons and the cliffhangers… Best to you and Miles.
A few questions that might’ve been asked already as I’m not reading through 77 previous posts.
1) What happened to the not-baby storyline with Lex and Lana? Did it just get too dark and perverted to handle further and if so, then how is human cloning less perverse?
2) Is Chloe’s role as a professional (journalism) mentor to Clark now defunct with Lois being portrayed as an up and coming investigative reporter? Could Chloe’s life goals be changing with the progression of the show?
3) Family has always been at the heart of Smallville, but this season there has been little mention of Kents living or deceased. The new Kryptonian aspects and insights have been interesting but it seems that in the pushing of Clark’s alien heritage there’s been a loss of showing how what connects him to his ‘humanity’. Was this done intentionally?
4) Just curious, do you or the other writers of the show ever read up on the blogs and review sites after the episodes have aired to see what people are saying?
1. I have heard back and forth regarding..can you definitely say we will see Clark in the suit in the finale? If so do you think you all would go more classic in it’s design or make changes-drastic or small?
2. Will Clark ever get to meet Jor-El face to face (hologram image, whatever) or will he remain a voice. Be nice to see TW made up a little older and in the Kryptonian garb.
3. Would you like to see TW continue playing Superman in films you are or aren’t involved with? Is that something being/has been discussed
4. Is Bruce Wayne fair game now that JLA was a possibility opposite the Nolan bat series?
5. Can we get at least a 2hr finale–note not 2 part ep–but an event episode. Many other CW/WB shows have had such over the years but not Smallville, and I think it’s worth getting a little extra screen time given it’s status for the network.
6. Back to the suit, do you think Martha will have time to sew it together given all of her political duties?–Obviously a joke, the good with the bad I have enjoyed your show for all of these seasons. Thanks
Thanks for the wonderful show.
Will you give the hope of love to the young people today by making Clark and Lana’s love a real sacrificial one? Will the show end with Lana giving Clark to the world instead of losing him to Lois? The two main characters have come so far and we’ve followed the show for so long. Their love for each other has been portrayed really in a beautiful way. I hope this won’t lose its momentum and will last till the end.
Please please please, kill Lois Lane. She is not a reporter, just a office tramp for sleeping with Grant. PLEASE get rid of her because she has no place in smallville and her role would have been only a copy of Chloe’s role. We don’t need Lois for we have Chloe.
Will show cannon win out over comics and have the Fever Letter revisited and a Chlark unite?
Many fans want Chlark, and are sick of the teasing, will you honor those fans?
Will Clana end for good?
Will Clark become a hero soon or is he going to be a sad dull farmboy?
Will we get more Chloe? I hope we do she’s a babe.
Why have we never had a flashback to his childhood episode for Clark (from his point of view)? We’ve had multiple ones for Lex, usually used to garner sympathy for him. But why none for your MAIN character? Wouldn’t there be a teasure of material to show with such a flashback? And wouldn’t it help us to understand why Clark needs to work so hard to overcome the feeling that his powers should be hidden?
will we get more Lois?? Erica is great is the best Lois Lane ever we need more of her
I know Lois always gets the nicest guys (not sidekicks or villains) but why she couldnt be the one ending things?? poor girl just give her Clark already…we know THAT will last
We will see more Dinah and Oliver????
Will we see more Lois/Lex??
So far that’s the best part of season 7, we have seen Lois after Lex and now with him buying the Daily Planet things are looking really good between this two. The Lois/lex arc is looking like its bringing out the best of both, so far Lois is the one who is shing the most….now I can’t wait for Lex’s turn
II know about the no flights not thights rule, but is there a leather rule, that prevents clark from doning a sort of GA outfit to patrol Metropolis at night??
We got Chloe back in school, as easy as having a one liner about it, with no further explanation or evidence, when will we see Clark and Lois getting back to school, even if its just mentioned??
I wouldnt mind Clark and Lana in a relationship as much if it were at least belivable but at this point, it really doesnt make sense that this characters would want to be with eachother, is this vicious circle going to last untill the final episode?
When is Clark going to accept him self and stop obsessing about being a normal human??
I get that Clark has Superspeed and Lex has Helicopters but it doesnt make much sense that Chloe and Lois comute a 3 hour drive (6 back and forward) to work every day. Are they ever going to save the gas money they spend and buy/rent an apartment in Metropolis??
Hi, Mr Gough,
I have two questions:
1. Will Lori Lemaris ever appear on Smallville? She was Clark’s girlfriend in the comics when he was in college.
2. Will Lois and Clark share more scenes in the future? We almost never see them gotether now and I miss their playful banter and friendship.
First off, love the show.
1) Will we see a Mercy Graves? I would love to see an unrequited love story with Lex/Mercy. Mercy in love with Lex, but Lex still wanting what he can’t have (Lana). Plus he needs some better security.
2)Will there be more Clark/Lana hotness? Will Lana tempt Clark to break his vow of celibacy? Will he trust himself not to hurt her? I would love to see some “Relic” type scenes. TW/KK still have great chemistry.
3)Will we see Darkseid as a villian on the show?
Hi Mr. Gough,
I know there must be a lot of questions around because there are so many rumors out there, but may I as a few.
First, we’ve seen a lot of Clark & Lana during the show, who wasn’t bad at all, but Clark is supposed to fall in love with Lois isn’t she? I know that it surely was to get more episodes or so but, is there any chances that Clark falls in love on Lois, or anything near this, by the end of the series?
And second, in one of the interviews we’ve heard that Clark would start getting flying lessons, and so, we’re at the 10th episode and still nothing about Clark levitating. Is Clark ever going to be in a situation like he was back in Season 1 falling on Lana? However flying in Season 7? Even if I know that the strikes wouldn’t let you write more episodes which is, to me, catastrophic, and that in the first Smallville deal it was “No tights, no flights”.
I wish to you and Mr. Miles the best, since I watch Smallville I’m deep into it, I wouldn’t like it to have a bad ending with a 15 episode series. You made more than just a show, you made a mythologie.
With love and devotion to your show,
A joke was once made that everything in Smallville flies except Clark. After seven seasons, that joke went from funny to ironic to exasperating, especially when drilled by characters like Chloe, or more insultingly Kara – who can fly! Why are the show’s producers so against letting Clark take this step? It can’t be the budget; Kara, Zod, Bizarro, Zor-El and Martian Manhunter fly. It can’t be that flying makes it too easy for Clark from the writer’s point of view; there’s nothing easy about fighting militant dissidents and super computers from Krypton, or evil doppelgängers and murderous aliens from the Phantom Zone. And it can’t be the show axiom that SMALLVILLE is about Clark Kent before he becomes Superman. Flying doesn’t make Clark Superman, just like introducing characters from Clark’s future as Superman doesn’t change who he is now. So can we get an answer to the when will Clark fly question – hopefully one that’s better than “stay tuned?” Thanks for the best show on television!
Is Kristin going to be on S8?
Is Clark going to fly anytime soon, and will we see him having his first flight with Lana?
Love Clark & Lana. Hope they stay together for the rest of the series.
Will start to act more like Superman and less like angsty, brooding Batman?
When is Chlark coming? As a long term fan I can’t wait to see Lex become the villian, Clark become Superman, and Chloe become the Lois Lane (the whole Grant thing made me unable to take Erica seriously anymore at all.)
Can we see the Doom Patrol or something like that come from 33.1 for Lex? I would love for him to get some compentent lackies! It would be fantastic.
Going along with the super Chlark, can we see truly evil Lexana hook up again? Enemy of my enemy is my frienemy of sorts.
Will Clark start to develop feelings for Lois near the end of the show as both of you hinted?
Chloe is super hot! However I miss those suits she used to have; when is super cool, super sexy reporter Chloe coming back? And when is she finally taking down Lex Luthor – don’t tell me you’ve taken away Allison and Michael’s screen time for Lois the Lesser.
Why are the special effects of Smallville so “bad” since the 6th season?
Please, you must need to answer it, when do we gonna see clark flying?!
When is Clark hooking up with Chloe? He obviously needs out from Lana, and Nois isn’t a step up.
And when is Perry returning? I would love to see him dress down Nois for how she was hired, and maybe empahsize with Chloe and Jimmy for Luthors ruining the DP, journalism, et all.
When the Clois is going to start??? or at least from Clark’s part. With the strike where those plans where left of??? we will have to ait until next season???
Why Erica Durance never gets more than 13 episodes on a season?? is that a DC/WB restriction?? cause I know a lot of people would be happy with more Lois
Why the lack of Clois this season?? it is because Clana?? with thes how running its course isn’t time to have more Clois scenes to be ready ofr the future??
I just need to know if Lois is going to be on every episode next season (if there is one, I sure hope so!) She brings a breath of fresh air, honesty and humor that is absolutely perfect. And I want to see more head to head with Lois and Lex! She is going to bring that Luthor down! lol. Congrats on the show.