In celebration of Green Arrow’s highly anticipated return visit to SMALLVILLE this Thursday, the TV Addict has been given the opportunity to ask a few questions of SMALLVILLE executive producer and co-creator Al Gough. So go nuts posting your questions and I’ll be sure to ask the most interesting ten.
This is just great!!!
Please please tell us we will have a season 8!! also we would get to see more Lois??? Erica Durance is fantastic so I’d like to know ifwhat’s going on with Lois in this remianing episodes,
You hinted over TV Guide that Clark will start developing romantic feelings for Lois. With the WGA strike appearing: those plans were pushed back for the possible season 8?? or if the strike ends soon we could see at leats a glipsy of it before season 7 ends??
Hi there!
I would like to ask Mr. Gough:
1) Would we see Clark’s character progressing towards the iconic Clark Kent in the remaining episodes or in the next season?
2) Will Erica Durance appear in all episodes if there is a season 8?
3) What is in store for Lois Lane’s character in the upcoming episodes of the series?
4) Are we going to see a glimpse of the romance between Lois and Clark as you hinted in one of your previous interviews?
Thanks a lot and hoping for another season of Smallville!
Why is it that you and your partner seem to so rarely acknowledge the contribution of Tom Welling to this show? And why does it seem like the attention to the character development of Clark Kent has waned so significantly in the last 2 seasons? Still obsessing over Lana hardly seems like significant development for a character that is supposed to become the worlds greatest Superhero.
Well there are already questions about Clois and Lois so I am going to ask something different….sort of.
We will get too see Clark with Glasses?? I remember how exciting was seeing him on Whisper, it would be awesome to have Clark with the glasses permanently.
What’s with the Lana obsession…and Now Bozarro is in love with Lana as well…who is next Darkaside??? Please if you are going to make Brianiac another Lana-Lover…just kill him already
Will we get a clearer picture of what’s going on with Lionel? Is he good or evil? Has he abandoned his own son to become best buds with Clark? Also, will there be any more Clark and Lex interaction that doesn’t revolve around Lana?
Will the relationship between Clark and Lana continue in the next season?
Is there any chance of bringing Bizarro back?
1) Why was Chloe learning to control her power relagated to offscreenville? Why introduce a storyline for Chloe, and never show it onscreen? You had said (before the season started) that you’d develop her power,yet that all happened offscreen.
2) How did Chloe’s power evolve from tears to touch, and how did she learn to control it? It would’ve been nice to have seen this onscreen.
3) What’s up for Chloe for the rest of the season? Will she and Lois team up at any point? I think they’d have a great dynamic that should be explored.
4) Will Chloe ever have a boyfriend that only has eyes for her? It was disgusting to watch Jimmy eye-***k another girl in front of Chloe, she deserves better than that. IMO
5) Why don’t you ever compliment Tom’s and Allison’s acting ability, and what they bring to the show?
6) What’s in store for Clark for the rest of the season? Will he get into journalism? Will he finally kick Lana’s sorry a** out?
7) Will Allison Mack return for a season 8?
1) Lois Lane is absolutely awesome – will we get her for all of S8, if you guys have a S8?
2) You mentioned in a previous interview that Clark would start developing feelings for Lois by the end of the S7. Are those plans still on or has the writers’ strike derailed those plans for the moment?
3) When will we finally see the REAL end of Clana? Everyone I know believes that Clana is killing the show & that the time has come for Clark to move on. Are you going to finally put the nail in the coffin by the end of S7?
4) Is Clark ever going to develop interest in journalism by series’ end or is this something you are not allowed to explore due to restrictions from DC/WB? Will he, at least, be able to wear glasses by the end of the series?
Why didn’t you put Chloe with Green Arrow? Steven DeKnight hinted that that was the original plan.
What’s Chloe going to be up to for the next few episodes? Will she continue to be a reporter or are you phasing her out of that? Are you phasing her out of the show, since Lana has magically become a computer hacker?
Why do you dislike the characters of Clark Kent and Chloe Sullivan? Clark’s the greatest superhero of all time, and Chloe was created by you (and is immensly popular), yet it seems (from watching the show) that you hate both of them, and continually crap on their characters.
Is Smallville used as a torture method to get confessions from prisoners à la Metallica?
It was hinted that Kara was going to give Clark some flying lessons this season. Due the strike and shortened season, will this still happen?
Are Allison Mack and Michael Rosenbaum returning for season 8? If there is one. What’s in store for Chloe? Something good I hope.
When are we going to see Chloe working on newspaper stories again? I’m sad that overachieving, hyper competitive Chloe hasn’t seemed very aggressive about her work in a long time. Is something wrong with her?
When is Lex going to kill Lionel?
Will Clark return to college anytime soon? There’s no way he will become a great reporter at the world’s biggest newspaper without a decent college degree! That’s why you should also think about getting Lois back to college soon, too! Because right now your version of Lois Lane is far from being her iconic self and it’s not because you aren’t capable of writing a good Lois Lane story (Chloe!) but somehow you choose not to with EDLois.
Will Chloe’s power go away anytime soon?
Does everyone have to loooove Lana and can’t she ever be wrong? Is she maybe a meteorfreak with the EverybodyLovesLana-power?
What happened to Lex? He was such a good written character with actual storylines (not including Lana) and now he got degraded to B- and C-plots which are so ridiculous they aren’t even funny anymore.
Will Clana ever break up? Honestly you always resurrect the clana although it actually died many many times before that even the chemnistry TW/KK once had isn’t there anymore, looks like even the actors got tired of it, please stop it all and for good!
“Persona” set up a dichotomy between Lana and Chloe pretty clearly– Lana is the girl who doesn’t know Clark at all, and Chloe is the girl who knows him better than anyone. When will we finally see Clark fall out of love with Lana, and into love with Chloe? The series has set this up and teased us with it for a LOOOONG time, and many of us are dying to see romantic Chlark!
Will we get to see the kryptonite necklace again? Please?
What’s up with all the clones and mistaken identies this season?
I’d like a good mind wammie episode. Will I have to wait long?
Smallville is at its very best when we see Clark and Chloe investigating together in the field; when will we see more of that? A majority of fans think it’s way, way, way past time to get Clark back on track to being a hero instead of a philanderer who wants to play house with a girl who kidnaps and tortures people and now, who sleeps with anyone who’ll cater to her selish whims. When will Clark start acting like a hero again and kick Lana out the door for all her crimes and disloyalty? Also, we’d like to see Clark burn his bed in disgust. I’d pay to see that.
There will be a season 8 with TW KK AND MR??
Will clark and lana be together since the end of the series like it’s in the comics and like it should be ! ??
Is it possible that Bizzaro knocked up Lana?
This isn’t Smallville-related but I’ve been curious about this for a while. What was your Spider-man 2 script like compared to the finished film?
1. Are there plans for a spin-off Supergirl series?
2. Is Chloe still a reporter? Why develop Chloe’s life-long passion for journalism if you are going to have Lois overshadow her? Is Chloe utlimately going to abandon journalism to work with/for the JLA?
3. Please tell me the show’s nauseating obsession with Clark and Lana will have a well deserved end this season.
4. Is Lex finally his iconic self or will you continue to pull him back from the brink?
5. Why do you continue insist that Smallville continuity will synchronize with the movie continuity when the two are obviously inconsistent with each another?
6. If we are never going to see Clark put on the suit then what is the point of watching the show when we will never see Clark become Superman? Was this always the plan?
Thank you.
When will we finally see the REAL Clana love? Many fans from Europe like Clana! They are awesome!!!
Oftentimes, you seem to really push the envelope on the things you have Clark do, like using deadly force, or going after someone elses fiancee, or not showing much interest in helping the world at large. Do you believe that you have any obligation at all to the iconic character, or fans of that character, to present him in a certain way? How much time and effort is put into considering some of the decisions you’ve made with the character of Clark? Also, as you’ve been quoted as saying that the future isn’t really your problem, do you believe that you really have free reign to present these iconic characters in any manner you wish since their mythic endpoints aren’t really your problem?
Why do we have to be subjected to Clana on a yearly basis, I mean when will Clark move on from her?
Why has Chloe’s reporter role been pushed aside? Will we see Chloe as a reporter anytime soon again? Or at least will she be moving up at the DP soon?
You say this season will show a Lois Lane we all know and love and yet we only seen EDLois have an affair in her boss thus not the Lois Lane we all know and love so that leads me to the question, when will Chloe be revealed as SV’s ILL?
When will Clark open his eyes and see Chloe is perfect for him? And When will we get Chlark, cause if it’s never please stop the teasing and development.
When will Chloe get a break/ get’s what she deserves. So far every episode until recently seemed to be kicking Chloe when she’s down so will Chloe ever get to be actually happy on this show?
Action hinted that you may Kill off Lois Lane at the hands of Lex Luthor, when will this happen?
When will Clark starting to save random people because he wants to? (You could make it an arc that leads to him being like Oliver with a secret identity. You know he constantly saves people yet is afraid of getting caught…)
Why did you alter the ending of Labyrinth to have Clark still in love with Lana, that line/ Clexana scene didn’t sync up with the entire episodes. What forced you to do the massive rewrites that were done in Season 6?
Who is going to abuse Lana Lang next? 😀
1) What can we look forward to when it comes to future Clark/Lois and Lois storylines?
2) After killing Julian/Grant will Lex finally turn to the dark side for good? What is in store for him?
3) Are there any Clark/Lex centric episodes planned? Because it seems they barely get any screen time together these days.
In regards to Lois, there haven’t been any Lois-centric episodes really, especially with her getting a story and getting it published. WIll that change? Also why is Lois only in 13 episodes per season. That has never been explained and will she finally get a full season of episodes next year, assuming there will be a season 8?
1. Will Brainiac try to re-constitute Bizarro?
2. Is the relationship between Clark & Lana finally over?
3. When will we finally Clark getting into journalism in a serious way?
4. When will Clark start wearing glasses? Will it be before or during Season 8?
5. Will we see Lori Lemaris in the series?
6. If Clark flies in Season 8, how often will we see him do it?
1) Will Clark and Lana’s relationship ever end??!!
2) When will Clark complete his training?
3) Will Clark learn to fly and start working at the Daily Planet before the show ends?
4) Will Clark begin to show romantic interest in Lois?
5) What’s this with the lack of Clois scenes this season??
And I’d like to say:
Erica deserves more episodes and screen-time!
Here are my questions:
#1. Is there any hope of giving Clark a Green Arrow-esque costume? Like GA’s, but red, blue, and *black* (colors of the Kingdom Come Supes.) He can have a little bit’o’cloth covering the lower half of his face so that beloved Lois won’t figure him out.
#2. Will the series end with Lex finally letting go of the “My former best friend is an alien and his cousin is too” theory? Or will Lex forever be hunting for clues about Clark’s connection to Superman?
#3. Is there any hope of there being a direct-to-TV/DVD movie to wrap up Smallville? Like… what everyone is doing 5 years after the evens of the series finale?
#4. And finally, my pet crocodile has gotten lose in the neighborhood. Have you seen him?
Will bizarro return in some form, since he is a superman villan?
Is brainiac still trying to free Zod, or has his mission changed?
When will clark begin to learn how to fly, since every other kryptonian knows how to fly?
Questions for Al Gough:
1. You said since the beggingin you knew the ending scene of SV. However, at the time you were not aware that the show would go to a 7th possiibly 8th season. Have you changed you your mind about the ending?
2. From an earlier report, it was hinted that fans would sense cLark and Lois growing closer durin the 2nd half of Season 7. Is that still a possibility with the shortend season?
3. Any word on what characters will be returning if there is a Season 8?
4. Do you still plan to line the ending of SV up, ableit loosely, with the SM Movies?
5. Any chance we’ll see Clark Kent take an interest in journalism or finally embrace his destiny as a gift rather than view it as a curse?
6. Is it true that introducing Lois Lane on SV was a red herring and that Chloe Sullivan is the eral Lois Lane?
I have two questions:
1. I’m very disappointed in Lex’s story arc (there isn’t one) and I was hoping to know if he will get any for the rest of this season?
2. What was the episode that Tom was going to direct? Was it going to be the finale?
Oh, and if Michael isn’t coming back next season, please give Lex Luthor a decent send off worthy of Michael’s talent!
will we actually get to see Lana and Clark in a real relationship that’s not filled with angst? will there be a fair chance for them like Milles said?
– Why did you give Chloe that horrific power, and when is it leaving?
– When is Erica Durance’s character going to die? Please say soon.
– Is Lex ever going to kill his jerk of a father? It seems like he should of been dead by now.
When is Clark finally going to hook up with Chloe? As she is the only tolerable female character left on the show, please say it’s soon. Please?! We’ve been waiting seven years, y’know. 🙂
Will we see Chloe progress up the career ladder at the Daily Planet?
Is Chloe going to continue her investigations into Lex and 33.1 (something that she has been doing since season 3)?
Will anything ever become of Chloe’s article that we saw in Progeny?
Will Clark learn to fly before the end of the series? Now that Kara is on the show and can fly, it doesn’t seem right for Clark not to be able to.
We didn’t get a Chlark kiss in season 6. Will there be one in season 7?
Clark and Lana can’t seem to accept and love each other for who the other truely is. What is the point in continueing their relationship?
1.What was the point of the whole Grant Gabriel arc besides a waste of time?
2.Will Chlimmy stay dead?
3.When will you finally hook Chloe and Clark up?
4.Why do you promote EDLois as Lois Lane, when on screen she’s doing everything to destroy the name? Is there going to be a Chlois reveal?
5.Do you agree that Allison and Tom have great chemistry?
6.Will we ever get a Chlark sex scene?
7.When will Lex actually be the villain of the show?
8.Will Lois have any development or are lightswitches and handouts are what we should expect from her character?
9.When will Chloe be shown as the reporter of the show?
10.Will Clana actually end this season or will they be given another “real shot” in Season 8?
11.Will Chloe and Lana get a rematch of their fight in Delete?
Will Oliver Queen be back for only one episode?Will there might be a romance again between him and Lois?
*hope so*
1) Will Clark fly in the final season?
2) Will we see the Justice League vs. the Legion of Doom?
3) Is the Black Kryptonite returning? If so, will we see Clark split into two people with he and Kal-El like we saw in the 4th season?
4) The no-tights, no-flights rule applies to Clark, but we’ve seen Kal-El flew in the 4th season. Will we see Kal-El put on a suit?
Thanks for a wonderful show that obviously stirs a lot of emotions in many of the ardent fan groups.
As much as I enjoy all the big Supermanly moments of Clark Kent, I’m also grateful that you never neglect his more human and emotional side in the storytelling. His heartwrenching love for Lana, his conflicted feelings about Lex, his intriguing interest in Lois, and his friendship with Chloe are some of my favorite aspects of this show. But I am hoping to see more acknowledgment of Martha, and his bond with her, even if she has moved away.
When.. WHEN for God’s sake are you killing the Clana?
Is Chloe ever going to write articles again and move up the DP ladder.
What was the point in Hottie McAsshole errr I mean Grant/Julian?
Why do the writers continually emphasize how bad Clark and Lana are for each other, but yet, you keep them TOGETHER?
Why make Lionel good? I miss my Magnificient Bastard.
Will Chloe and Lex have any scenes together since he now owns the Daily Planet?
What was the point in Chloe’s meteor freak storyline? The only thing we knew about the power was that she’s able to heal by producing tears then all of a sudden she has control over it? Why didn’t you guys show or at least hint that Chloe was trying to get her power under control.
Why do all the good things happen off screen?
Why didn’t we see a Lana and Chloe reunion scene? That sucked…HARD.
Please tell me Chloe and Lana will have a fight like season 3’s Delete. It’s about that time for round II.
When did Lana become a computer genius?
Are Allison and Michael returning for a season 8?
If the writer’s strike ends sometime this month, will it be possible for you guys to complete the season?
1. Clark’s galsses? Ever? If not why bother keeping it a secret? How can we expect that Lex or anyone else on the show won’t recognize Clark once he becomes Superman if he isn’t gone for a prolonged period of time and even then, they’d have to be blind not to figure it out by now.
2. Can we all be spared from more Clark and Lana? Please? It’s really murdering this show.
3. Flying lessons?
4. Have I mentioned that we can’t stand Clark and Lana together?
5. More Lois, less Lana?
Are Lex and Lois going to develop their animosity towards one another with this season possibly being cut short? I’d really enjoy seeing them go at one another’s throats.
I don’t think very many people liked the Grant/Lois romance and it made Lois’ character not look her best. What was the reason for that relationship in the first place? Did it just not work out the way you planned?
I’m a huge Lolliepop fan (the nick name for the romantic relationship between Lois and Oliver) Is there anything to look forward to in that department or is the Black Canary going to become Oliver’s love interest?
I know you can’t have Bruce Wayne/ Batman on the show but is there any chance of a side mention of him from any of the Justice League members this season? Maybe Green Arrow could mention him, or is that off limits too?
You hinted before that by the end of this season Clark might have more than platonic feelings for Lois but that Lois wouldn’t be aware of them. Is that still the case or has the Writer’s Strike made you change what direction the show is going in?
How likely do you feel the CW is to opt for one more season of Smallville? And if so would it possible to get Michael Rosenbaum back for some episodes even though he has stated he’s done after this season?
I really miss watching Chloe and Lois team up together, Chloe sort of reminds me of Clark from the New Adventures of Superman. I’d love to see more of the cousins investigating together, especially now that they work at the same paper.
Is there any chance at all of seeing Perry White again if there is a season eight? I would LOVE to see Perry and Lois interact.
It seems as if Clark and Lana’s romance might be finished. Though it has looked finished before and yet come back. Now that we are nearing the end of the show do you think that Clark and Lana are going to call it quits for the last time or is there still some romance aspects you’d like to see them in?
Jimmy and Lois are very entertaining together, any chance of having more fun moments of them working together on stories?
Earlier in the season someone said, maybe it was you, that Lois and Kara wouldn’t like each other at first but that they might come to like one another eventually. Is that still the plan?
Is Chloe really over Clark? I like her and Jimmy together, so I’d like to think Kara is just a fling, but even so, I think it is about time for Chloe to move on from her high school crush for good. Though I like how great the Chloe and Clark friendship is, I just don’t think Chloe should pine after Clark in any capacity anymore. It is unfair to her character.
You always seem to be looking for new villains to add from the existing mythos of the comics. Any chance of seeing someone Lord Darkseid related? Darkseid himself is much too powerful, but maybe his lieutenants?
it’s honor to me to ask questions to Al Gough because he does a good job.
My questions are :
-When Clark Kent embrace his destiny and if we have the chance to see the see the season 8
-We learn that the Writers Guild of America and the AMPTP movie moguls might be close to making a fair deal. If this happens, “Veritas” might not be the end of Season Seven?
-We see that Clark meet his biological mother Lara in the ” blue”, so can he meet his biological father Jor-EL……..
thank you for all the work you did, i am so happy to be your fan and the fan of smallville……..
When will Clark see that Lana isn’t the girl for him and realize he’s been in love with Chloe?
When will Chloe be shown as the reporter again?
Is anyone on camera ever going to wonder why lana didn’t notice that the man she sleeps with wasn’t clark, when chloe knew even from a distance?
Will Clark actually be saving lives and improving the world or will Clana be given ANOTHER “real shot”?
Why is Chloe always being dragged around, will she ever be happy?
Will lex ever have an evil plot that doesn’t stem from the fact that nobody loved him as a child? Will he ever need a wig for anything?
Will Perry White be returning to Smallville?
When will Chloe get a boyfriend that doesn’t harm her character and that actually deserves her?
Will lana ever get called on the errors she makes, like telling chloe she doesn’t know clark as well as she thought? Will she ever accept blame for anything bad that happens to her, or will it always be Lionel, Clark, Chloe, or Lex’s fault?
Will Lois get what she deserved for not getting anything published, sleeping with her boss, and getting ahead with no merit or will she continue to be given handouts?
Will lois ever say ‘thank you’ to chloe for 1. not turning her in, and 2. trying to convince her it was wrong and trying to save her from herself?
Will Clark and Chloe ever have sex?
When will clark realize he already has developed feelings for chloe, and continue with them?
When will there be a recurring Black castmember on Smallville?
We’ve seen Hispanics, and there are many French references.. When will Smallville bring an Italian to the show?
When will Chloe go after Lex?
Will Lana ever accept blame for anything bad that happens to her, or will it always be Lionel, Clark, Chloe, or Lex’s fault?
Will MR return for Season 8 ?. If not what is going to Lex’s storyline
What is in store for Lois for the rest of the season?. Will she write a expose on Lex?.
I just donno what to ask about Clark because his character is stagnant and he was the reason I started to watch Smallville