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The TV Addict Saves HEROES

Suffice to say, if there’s one positive that fans can take away from this unfortunate WGA strike, it’s that showrunner Tim Kring and his team will have a nice long break to really think about where they’ve taken HEROES and how their once thrilling, surprising and highly enjoyable series suffered from an infection far more lethal than the Shante Virus — the dreaded sophomore slump.

Yet rather than go on a viscous and lengthy rant about how dreadful last night’s finale was [and believe me, I’ve got a long list of issues]. This TV Addict thought he’d lend Tim Kring a hand and offer up some solutions to ensure that HEROES Volume III doesn’t [for lack of a better word] suck.

Problem #1: The Blood
The fact that Claire’s blood has been proven to save virtually every gun shot victim’s life [see HRG] has completely robbed the show of two things integral to HEROES first season success: Suspense and danger. What could have been a fantastic final moment to last night’s episode becomes completely pointless when you quickly realize that Claire’s blood can so easily save Nathan’s life. Even after multiple gun shot wounds.

Solution: Kill Claire
Claire’s death will completely revitalize the show. Not only will it turn HRG into a seriously angry and vengeful father [translation: Baddass]. It will get rid of the deadweight known as HRG’s family and allow for writers to easily kill off lame and uninteresting Heroes that simply aren’t working. How disappointed were you that Claire’s blood saved Maya’s life last night? Do we really need Maya dragging down Volume III?

Problem #2: Elle
When the book is closed on HEROES, the show’s biggest crime may in fact be what it did to Kristen Bell’s career. Who’d have thought a show could so quickly evaporate the coolness of Veronica Mars. Paging Rob Thomas Stat!

Solution: Kill Bob
In a recent interview with TV Guide, Tim Kring had this to say about Elle saving Mohinder, Maya and Molly from Sylar in last night’s finale. “Kristen Bell gave us the perfect reaction in that scene. For a moment there, Elle sees she’s been given an opportunity to use her powers in a good way. And she absolutely likes the sound of that word ‘hero.'”

Our reaction. A villainous Kristen Bell is far more entertaining. The HEROES writers should be using Elle to get rid of her ‘father’ Bob. It’s time for Elle to stop acting like a teenager and take control of her life. Let’s have Elle take over The Company, team up with Sylar and create a school for super villains. It’s time the Heroes face a genuine threat. Not an ominous faceless company, or a virus nobody can comprehend.

Problem #3: New Orleans
Killing off Niki is a start. But dumbest hero ever Monica should have been blown up as well. Lord knows fans should not have to suffer through more of HEROES in New Orleans.

Solution: Turn Micah into an orphan
Micah without parents opens up some very interesting story-lines. Imagine what would happen if little orphan Micah was adopted by The Company. Under the tutelage of Sylar, Micah could learn to harness his powers for evil. Which let’s face it, is far more entertaining than watching Micah cry over his deceased father’s missing medal.

Added bonus, by putting Micah in harms way, fans will actually want to see The Company brought to justice. Because let’s face it — if it’s between Maya/Monica and The Company — I’m cheering for the latter.

Problem #4: Mohinder Suresh
Not that this really needs to be explained, but Mohinder Suresh is undoubtedly the dumbest professor/scientist in the history of television

Solution: Kill him
Sure we get that he’s the narrator, but come’on — It’s time for Mohinder to join his sister and father.

Got your own suggestions on how to ensure HEROES Volume III: Villains returns the show to it’s first season glory? Post away. We have the unfortunate feeling that the writers will have a good few months to ponder your ideas.

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