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Tonight’s Must Watch: PUSHING DAISIES

As a self-proclaimed TV Addict and champion of all good things television [see the below post with regards to FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS], I’d be remiss if I didn’t remind you to watch the series premiere of PUSHING DAISIES tonight on ABC at 8PM.

Now I realize the odds are good that as a regular reader of you probably fall into the ‘smarter than the average TV Addict’ category of television fans. But after last night’s disastrous ratings results, I’m not about to take any chances.

Did you know more American’s tuned into CAVEMEN and CARPOOLERS than BONES? And the world wonders why America doesn’t seem any smarter than a fifth grader.

Help ensure unique and original programming doesn’t go the way of, well the cavemen [or WONDERFALLS]. Don’t miss PUSHING DAISIES tonight [and tell a friend!]. It’s truly television at its best and quite possible the best new show of the season.

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