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If you’re anything like this TV Addict, the odds are pretty good that you’re still holding onto the dream that Robin is indeed the ‘mother’ that Ted ends up with on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. And if that’s the case, you may wish to skip this post entirely.

Turns out Robin met someone over the summer, and the quick Ted/Robin reconciliation we were all hoping [nay, praying] for isn’t going to happen anytime soon. To discover which Grammy Award winning artist Robin’s dating, click the link below.

On the October 1 episode titled “We’re Not From Here,” Grammy Award-winning recording artist Enrique Iglesias guest stars as Gael, Robin’s new, sexy Argentinean lover. Oddly enough this is Iglesias second guest stint on a CBS sitcom, having guest starred last season on TWO AND A HALF MEN*

*Thanks for the tip Linda B.

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