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LOST: Still Waiting for Answers!

Now that the brilliance of last night’s LOST season finale has begun to wear off, it’s time to get back to reality. Secret keepers (and showrunners) Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindeloff still have a lot of explaining to do. So in an effort to keep their eye on the ball, we at thought we’d create this little (or not so little) list of the mysteries that LOST has yet to explain. Needless to say, with only forty-eight episodes remaining, Cuse and Lindeloff have their work cut out for them. Feel free to add your own questions in the comments below.

1) The Smoke Monster… what’s the deal?
2) The overall mystery of the island… Locke, Ben, Mikhail… they never seem to die.
3) Where did Michael and Walt really go?
4) What exactly was the significance of the giant foot from last season’s finale (Ben did mention a temple… hello ancient civilization?)
5) What are Ben’s true motives?
6) Why is Aaron so special (thanks to commentor Chris for that one)
7) Who’s funeral did Jack attend in the season finale?
8) What’s the deal with Jacob? He can’t be a ghost.. can he?
9) The secret of those pesky numbers.
10) The real deal with The Others… who’s side are they on?
11) Why can’t woman have babies on the island?
12) Why can Desmond see the future?
13) How did The Others capture Locke’s father?
14) Why does Ben fear Naomi?
15) Why can nobody leave the island?

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