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The One That We Want is Max and Laura


theTHEATREaddict here with his final thoughts on GREASE: YOU’RE THE ONE THAT WE WANT.

So it has come to an end with the proper outcome. Never would these two have been cast in a conventional audition. David Ian’s “Wow” reaction may have been scripted or perhaps he really believes he is f*#@ed. The show was yet again wonky. I assume the final numbers were pre taped with all 4 finalist combinations. The losers seemed too polished and professional in singing back up. No matter what the acting ability I can’t imagine having your dreams smashed and then being so perky and happy doing back up for the winners. I don’t think any reality show loser has been that stoic.

I am excited for Laura and Max. Good for them. I am not sure how all of this will wash out. It will be fascinating to see how the show does and if this entire experiment was a good one. This could have introduced a whole new audience to Broadway and I think it did the opposite and turned some people off. At the very least for us theatre addicts, we will now have years of “where are they now” to play and will get a little excited when we open a Playbill and read a name of a “You’re The One That We Want” contestant!

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