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Exclusive Interview: WILDFIRE’S Charlotte Salt

Fans of ABC Family’s “Wildfire” have been caught up in the latest round of “who should Kris choose – Matt or Junior?”, voting online, sharing their opinions on online forums. But there’s another triangle all together that’s been keeping me interested this season – that between Kris, Matt, and Matt’s current girlfriend, Gillian.

In recent weeks, the feelings between Matt and Kris were re-ignited, again; it seems like, for the moment at least, Matt and Gillian are going to try to make it work.

Amrie (of My Take On TV fame) recently got the opportunity to ask Gillian’s portrayer, Charlotte Salt, a few questions about what we can expect in the coming weeks and what the future holds for both Charlotte and the character she plays.

Amrie: How far ahead in shooting are you? Have you wrapped for the season yet?
Gillian: We wrapped for the season just in time for Christmas, which was perfect timing for me as I was then able to spend a whole month with my family back in the UK…I need to be cold at Christmas!

When we last left Gillian, she and Matt had decided to live together in Uncle Jesse’s bunkhouse on the ranch, but Matt was still troubled by his relationship with Kris. What can fans expect in the upcoming weeks? What big stuff is coming up with your character?
Well I can definitely say that things aren’t great, Gillian is definitely starting to notice the subtle or not so subtle flirting between Kris and Matt, and she is desperately trying not to notice as she is clinging on to her American dream as it were….As for Gillian, let’s just say she gets revenge!

Who do you think is better for Matt, Gillian or Kris? Thought she’s your characters current rival, care to weigh in on the “who should Kris choose” debate that’s running rampant – Matt or Junior?
‘Who will she choose?’ ha-ha. The big question! Matt is a cowboy and Gillian is a wealthy heiress accustomed to pony clubs and high tea, so not exactly a match made in heaven, but despite the odds they are still together but I don’t think they will ever make each other truly happy. Matt is going through a struggle of becoming a man, owning the ranch, proving himself to his mum and Pablo and Gillian is the type of girl who would make him see himself in a more sophisticated ‘grown up’ light…but that is not what will make him happy, so yes, in answer to your question I think he is better with Kris, he seems to be more comfortable with who he is…’a cowboy’.

What is it about Wildfire that fans really seem to connect with? It’s pulling in great ratings, ABC Family seems happy with how it’s going – what makes fans tune in?
Wildfire allows you to escape for an hour, tune in to a world of sunshine, horses, and kissing in hay lofts….and if your lucky enough to be living that life already, there’s not many shows that mirror the life of jockeys and cowboys…so refreshing maybe?

What would you say to people who were interested in becoming viewers, but who haven’t made an effort or had a chance to catch the show?
Give Wildfire a go, it’s good fun, it’s Dallas meets The O.C….Seabiscuit with girls ha-ha! I don’t know but it’s definitely able to appeal to a wide audience.

What do you have coming up on the horizon? More Wildfire? Other roles that you’re playing on any other shows or in movies?
I am currently not doing anymore Wildfire episodes, but who knows, Gillian may be back to stir things up….Beowulf (direct by Robert Zemeckis) will be released in theatres in November which I am excited about and as for now, I’m currently in the UK taking meetings on a few things, so we’ll see what the future brings for Charlotte, and as for Gillian….you’ll just have to tune in!!

If you haven’t had the opportunity to watch Wildfire this season (or ever), you should definitely make a point of checking it out, starting with tonight’s exciting new episode – airing at 8PM Eastern on ABC Family. You can also get caught up on old episodes at or on ITunes. Take my opinion as a certified TVaddict who knows how to choose good TV over bad; Wildfire is a solid hour of good TV!

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