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Amrie’s Take on TV: OC Preview

“We’ve been on the run” …. trying to escape the boring underrated season 3 of The O.C.

The season had its good moments…like when Marisa died and any time Taylor did anything. But overall, it was levels below the first and second seasons, as far as creativity goes. I didn’t feel invested in season 3, like I was in seasons 1 and 2, but with the recent availability of the Season 4 premiere, I think The O.C.’s luck is changing, because this TV Addict is officially a fan once again!

There are so many things that I already love about this season. Without giving too much away, here’s what I’m excited for as the season rolls on.

Excellent screen time for an emotional and sort of crazy Julie Cooper. She is distraught over the loss of her oldest daughter and has taken to lawn work and moving built in furniture. If there’s one thing I’ve always loved about this show, it’s Melinda Clarke’s delivery of her icy-bitch socialite that truly loves her family, and whether she’s hurting anyone in the process, as long as her family is well off, she’s fine. The same old Julie Cooper, the diabolical mother who bedded her daughter’s boyfriend, is back and better than ever. A little more jaded, but still the same bitch we love to hate!

So far, we’ve got minimal screen time for a vapid and slurred-speaking Willa Holland as Kaitlin. I know that a lot of people give her credit for holding her own in an already solid ensemble, but there is something about Willa Holland that I do not like. I think it might be that she doesn’t open her mouth when she speaks, and that she thinks brooding eyes make a scene better. I don’t know….I worry that the eldest Cooper’s death signifies a rebirth of the Cooper-bitch dynasty in Kaitlin, and with the two Ward brothers (Luke’s brothers) hanging around, we’re in for a long ride. We’ll see where it ends up, but fingers crossed, she won’t take away from Seth, Summer, Ryan, and Taylor, let alone the adult relationships that we’ve come to love!

Seth is back to the self-deprecating buffoon that we know and love, who is not aware that he’s completely adorable. With his self-loathing voicemails to an ice-cold Summer, I was drawn to this goon that we’ve been missing since he miraculously grew some sort of backbone over the past few season. I like Seth before he gained confidence, so it‘s nice to see him knocked down a peg.

Rachel Bilson has added new layers to her budding leading lady character and her grief over Coop’s death is on display. Last season, Summer quickly became one of my favorite characters and I’m glad to see that the show is handling the transformation from Marisa-is-the-it-girl to the Summer-is-the-it-girl days very well! Let’s hope that the changes I’ve heard they have in store for Summer are as great as they sound on paper!

Chris Pratt is perfectly cast as Che, the hippy who changes Summer for the better. When Everwood ended, we were all said that our loveable Bright Abbott was gone forever. With the casting of Chris Pratt, The O.C. has made the right decision. He is wonderful and I love the fact that he was asked to stay on for 9 episodes this season! As much as I love Seth and Summer, a Summer/Che pairing would be great as a nice little rebound relationship!

Sandy and Kirsten are in love, and happy. Sure, the writers will probably try to throw a wrench in their happiness, it looks like all is rosy for the elder Cohens. I hope that the show gets back to where it began, with these two people as the rock of Orange County!

All the hoopla surrounding Ryan’s cage fighting fiasco – the story is handled well, and makes sense for the status of the character we’ve come to know. When Ryan gets angry, he uses his fists. When Ryan is sad, he uses his fists. When Ryan feels guilty, he uses his fists. It makes sense that all three emotions lead him to use his fists in an incredibly angry fashion. So he took a little detour away from Ryan-Atwood-the-hero, it looks like he’s back on track, and we’ll be feeling love for him again soon!

And Taylor Townsend? Frakking rocks. The hat, the glasses, the diner, the restaurant, and her mother. Just great TV, and I am SO glad that she’s on this show full time!!!

I’m looking forward to the next few episodes, as it’s been said repeatedly by the critics who’ve seen them that this season continues to get better with each new hour.

If you’ve seen the premiere online, what are your thoughts on the show?

In Other News

Battlestar Galactica again raised the stakes and produced a heart-stopping, gut-wrenching hour of TV. I cannot wait to see how the rest of the season unfolds – my love for Tahmoh Penikott (Karl “Helo” Agathon) and Aaron Douglas (Chief Tyrol) increases with each week, and surprisingly, I’m in love with Uncle Cooper from One Tree Hill (Michael Trucco – Anders). I hope that Kara’s ultimate downward spiral is believable. I cannot wait to see what happens!!!!

Patrick Bachelor is still the greatest thing about Friday nights (Men in Trees). In the quote book we’ve slowly been maintaining, he made it in three times this past week, with gems like “I’m an emotional salad right now” and “Apparently Ebony + Ivory can make me”, he’s slowly gaining on Jack as my favorite thing about Elmo, Alaska!!!

Hopefully, we’ll hear soon about a Veronica Mars full season pickup. I’m worried that with it going against House, it’s going to lose half of the viewers that they’ve gained so far. Let’s hope that the CW isn’t dumb, and doesn’t get rid of this amazing show just because not enough people have joined us!

I haven’t weighed in on the Thursday night comedy-block from NBC yet….I am very excited about Scrubs returning to TV with brand new episodes. I hope that the ratings are strong enough for NBC to be sure of their decision. While Thursday at 9 is still a bitch to decide what to watch, I’m hoping that Scrubs hold its own and we get to see it for a long time to come!

I just want to point out that Mark Indelicato (aka Justin on Ugly Betty) is my hero. He is just so amazing! PS writers and producers of this amazing show – hire Christopher Gorham permanently and get rid of Walter, stat. That’s the only thing that can make your already wonderful show that much better!

Bill Fichtner…remember when I said you were my hero? Like 1000 times now, because I just worship you? It’s still true, you’re still the coolest person on TV.

That’s it for this week – tune in next week when I discuss supporting characters that I’d rather see as the leads on their shows!!!

Love to hear your feedback –

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