As advertised, last night’s season finale of BONES lived up to its namesake by offering up one helluva of a “Change in the Game.” But is it the change the doctor ordered? Well, that’s the slightly awkward albeit painfully obvious question we’ve been scratching our head over following numerous re-watches of that doozy of a final scene.
(Note: Now would be the time to stop reading if you have yet to watch last night’s episode!)
Brennan is pregnant with Booth’s baby?!
Despite Emily Deschanel’s real-life pregnancy which probably should have served as the tip off, we’re somewhat embarrassed to admit that we did not see that coming. What’s more, at least judging from the both positive (“OMG! OMG! OMG!”) and negative (“Kind of leaves me with an unsettling feeling…”) reactions we’ve been reading across Twitter, Facebook and the various entertainment-related sites we frequent, we’re not the only ones.
So how do we feel about said aforementioned change in the game? Quite frankly, we’re not 100% sure. On the one hand, as someone who has invested countless hours into this will-they-or-won’t-they, we’d be lying if we didn’t fess up to feeling somewhat robbed by the complete and utter lack of intimacy, build-up, and/or incredibly steamy make-out session in an elevator between Brennan and Booth. On the other, this may be the smartest move creator Hart Hanson has made since casting Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz as his leads.
MOONLIGHTING curse, be damned! As you may-or-may-not recall from last November’s Canadian Film Centre’s Test Pattern Series in which Hanson himself revealed that, “The trick was to figure out how to replace the unrequited sexual tension between two people with something else of equal power” This smarter than the average showrunner — in one fell swoop — just succeeded in completely shifting the focus from whether or not Booth and Brennan can make it as a couple, to how on earth are these two going to raise a baby!
And while we don’t pretend to know how this particular change in the game will play out in the long run, of this we are sure: We already know where we’ll be sitting Thursday nights come Fall at 9PM following THE X FACTOR… anxiously waiting to find out what happens next.