Score one for fans of quality television everywhere.
According to Variety, DirecTV and NBC have reached an agreement that will see FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS stick around for not just one but two more 13-episode seasons of Dillon Panther football.
Better still, the continuation of this cross-platform deal between the network and the cable provider could, if we’re lucky, serve as a blueprint for similar deals in the future. Because the undeniable facts of modern television life are these: The audience is, for a multitude of reasons, shrinking, while costs are rising and the economy is sinking. And while those factors already have contributed to the loss of such quality shows as SWINGTOWN and PUSHING DAISIES, deals such as the one which will keep FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS on the air might well become the norm and offer such currently-struggling shows as DOLLHOUSE or KINGS a new life.
A pipe dream? Perhaps. But who’d have thought FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS would make it to season four?