In the ever-changing world of LOST, three things remain constant. The writer’s miraculously manage to ensure Sawyer ‘loses’ his shirt a minimum of every other episode, Locke can always be counted on to make the wrong decision and following any episode that involves time-traveling and Desmond, this TV Addict receives emails.
So it came as no surprise following last night’s mind-numblingly confusing Desmond-centric episode that I woke up this morning and found numerous messages like this one, from a frequent TV Addict reader who may or may not [depending on your reaction] wish to remain anonymous.
“Awful, awful, awful. The first dud of the new season. We have already been there with Desmond and his time travelling. The only thing that was any good was Daddy Whidmore buying the log of the first mate of the Black Rock. Other then that…stinker.”
Well anonymous and angry LOST fan. It may surprise you to discover that I’m going to disagree with your assessment of last night’s episode. While ‘The Constant’ certainly lacked the jaw-dropping, thrilling and “Oh no they didn’t!” feel of this season’s string of flash forwards. My constant remains an unshakable trust in LOSTerminds [Why has this nickname not caught on yet?] Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse.
If this season has proven anything, it’s that with a set end date of forty-eight episodes, Lindeloff and Cuse have a plan. And while I clearly have no idea what the significance of a Desmond and his unexplainable time-travelling adventure really are. I’m sure they are necessary to tell the story of LOST properly.
If not, well then I owe you, anonymous and angry LOST fan, one really big apology.