“I love it. You love it. Unfortunately, no one watches it. That’s the thing with shows. People have to watch them. We’re NBC, we have a reputation to uphold. And, man, with this writers’ strike … well, we’ll see what we can do. But start watching 30 Rock.” NBC President Ben Silverman in a recent interview with RadarOnline.
If Ben Silverman’s recent comments are any indication, one thing is abundantly clear. Tonight’s season finale of FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS may in fact be its series finale thanks to Mr. Silverman’s penchant for reality television, game shows and apparent aversion to quality.
Let’s help prove him wrong. Put down your pens, forget the letter writing campaign and pick up that remote control. Tune into FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS tonight at 9PM on NBC (Global TV in Canada) and help send the only message that Mr. Silverman will notice. An uptick in the ratings.
The clock is ticking, the game’s almost over and we’re out of time-outs. Tune in tonight or make room in your DVD collection for another brilliant-but-cancelled series. And remember, there will be no reunion on the big screen. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS was already a movie!