Tonight’s episode of LOST promises to be a doozy, as we finally get the long awaited ‘Ben’ flashback. Producers Cuse and Lindeloff even went as far as to tease EW with the sentence, “Illumination and answers… to be followed by even more questions and delighted bafflement.” Needless to say we at couldn’t be more excited for tonight and hope you can stop by for LIVE LOST BLOGGING at 10PM (est).
10:01PM: Are we seeing the birth of Ben?
10:01PM: “So why don’t you start at the beginning”… okay, this episode is definitely getting off on the right foot! Which reminds me, I hope Ben explains the giant foot!
10:12PM: Young Ben or Harry Potter? You decide
10:15PM: Umm… Ben… there’s a new sheriff in town, and his name rhymes with block.
10:18PM: I think I’ll be tuning into TRAVELER tomorrow… will you?
10:23PM: Does anyone else have a bad feeling we’ll meet Jacob just in time for the episode to be over?
10:29PM: “Kinda hard to celebrate on the day you killed your mom” and the father of the year award goes to….
10:34PM: “I think we’ve got some catching up to do….” what exactly is going on. Is Jack going to reveal what really happened to him while he stayed at Chez Other for a week?
10:39PM: Mysterious guy to Ben: “Are you LOST?” Umm.. yeah… hello… it’s the title of the show! I wonder if that’s Jacob?
10:47PM: Paging Sam and Dead Winchester, when exactly did LOST turn into SUPERNATURAL? Please, someone, explain to me what’s going on?
10:59PM: Okay seriously, I know I’ve said this before — but what the frak just happened? I’ll say one thing for LOST, it never fails to surprise.