On tonight’s season finale of THE CLASS, the most pressing question isn’t whether or not football star Yonk Allen will survive the heart attack he suffered in last week’s penultimate epidode. The real question is whether tonight’s season finale is actually the series send off for this under-appreciated comedic gem.
Since surviving a rocky launch last September thanks to some less than funny story-telling and casting decisions — THE CLASS quickly put its thinking cap on, condensed its classroom, channelled the class clown and quietly evolved into one of the most enjoyable half hours on television. While the sitcom has yet to garner critical acclaim like ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT and lacks the audience following of say a FRIENDS, it does features a very likeable cast (namely the hilarious Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and their very own version of ‘Ross and Rachel’ — Nicole and Duncan (or is it now Pam and Jim?). As fans of quality television, we can only hope that CBS (in its infinite wisdom) decides to keep school in session and allow THE CLASS to graduate to grade four. After-all, having watched Richie Velch for almost a year now — we’re quite sure that a year or so more in school could do him some good. (THE CLASS airs on CBS at 8:30PM)